About the CI/CD variables dashboard
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About the CI/CD variables dashboard

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Article summary

The CI/CD Variables dashboard is accessible through Grid Menu > DevOps Secret Manager > Dashboard > CI/CD Variables.


You can filter by time interval, based on the creation of entities. To do this, click on the drop-down menu next to the calendar icon and set the desired period for filtering the information.

This dashboard will have the following elements:

  • Variables and Sensitive Variables: shows how many CI/CD variables are registered in the DSM. Clicking on the card takes you to the CI/CD Variables window. For more information, access the CI/CD Variables documentation.
  • Applications: shows how many applications are registered in the DSM. Clicking on the card takes you to the Applications window. For more information, access the Applications documentation.
  • Systems: shows how many systems are registered in the DSM. Clicking on the card takes you to the Systems window. For more information, access the Systems documentation.
  • Environments: shows how many environments are registered in the DSM. Clicking on the card takes you to the Environment window. For more information, access the Environments documentation.
  • Deploys: informs you about the deploys that have taken place in the DSM. Clicking on the card takes you to the Deploys window. For more information, access the on CI/CD Variables documentation.

In addition to these information cards, you have several graphs to follow the behavior of the CI/CD variables in the DSM. These are

  • Deploys by day (14 days).
  • Deploys by application.
  • Deploys by system.
  • Deploys by environment.
  • Deploys by hour (only the last day of the filter applies).
  • Variables by day (14 days).
  • Variables by application.
  • Variables by sensitive.
  • Variables by system.
  • Variables by environment.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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