Automated Certificates
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Automated Certificates

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Article summary

This article describes the information available in the Automated Certificates report. This report lists all certificates associated with automated workflows. By clicking on a certificate, users can access the details of the corresponding automation, simplifying control and ensuring the security of operations.


Path to access: Certificate Manager > Reports > Automated Certificates.

Search Fields

Certificate codeUsed to search for the certificate by its identification number.
Certification authorityUsed to search for the certificate by the authority that signed it.
Common nameUsed to search for the certificate by its Common Name (CN).
Expiration dateUsed to search for the certificate by its expiration date. Displays a calendar to select a specific date or set a start date to create a time range.
untilUsed to search for the certificate by its expiration date. Displays a calendar to set an end date and create a time range.
StatusUsed to search for the certificate by its status. Displays a dropdown menu with options: Valid, Revoked, Renewal requested, and Expired.
FilterButton to execute the configured filtering process.
ClearButton to clear the filled fields.

The results are displayed in a list format on the screen, with columns named according to the corresponding fields. The list provides other information:

  • Organization: the name of the company.
  • Publishing: indicates whether the automation process for publication is enabled or not.
  • Publication Date: date and time of publication.
  • Renovation: indicates whether the automation process for renewal is enabled or not.
  • Renewal Date: date and time of renewal.


This column presents action buttons to perform tasks related to the component.

Certificate informationRepresented by the identification card icon, it opens the Certificate Information page.
Automate flowRepresented by the three gears icon, it opens the Automations page to configure the process.

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