Third-party users
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Third-party users

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Article summary

The dashboard under Domum Remote Access > Dashboards > Third-party users provides information on the behavior of third-party users within the Domum environment.

You can find the following in the dashboard:

  • Filters: select information for a specific vendor and user.
  • Status: displays whether the user is online or offline and from which region.
    • The field also informs you of the date and time of the last access.
  • Behavior: provides numbers on the user's behavior.
    • Period with greatest use: informs the period of the day when there was the greatest use of Domum.
    • Days logged in: indicates the number of days the user has been logged in.
    • Recording time: shows, in seconds, the duration of the recordings.
    • Average length: indicates, in seconds, the average time of the sessions performed.
    • Locations: shows the number of locations from which the access originates.
  • Information: provides numbers relating to privileged information and gives access to the respective detailed reports.
    • Credentials: indicates the number of credentials associated with the user.
    • Devices: shows the number of devices authorized for the user.
    • Web applications: indicates the number of web applications released to the user.
    • Desktop applications: indicates the number of desktop applications allowed for the user.
  • Sessions: the bar chart displays the number of remote sessions via Domum performed over 45 days and how many presented some risk.
  • Views: the bar chart displays the number of password views performed over 45 days and how many presented some risk.
  • Sessions: displays the number of remote sessions of the user.
    • Day: number of sessions that happened on the current day.
    • Month: number of sessions that happened in the current month.
    • Year: number of sessions that happened in the current year.
    • Total: the total number of sessions.
  • Views: displays the number of password views of the user.
    • Day: number of views that happened on the current day.
    • Month: number of views that happened in the current month.
    • Year: number of views that happened in the current year.
    • Total: the total number of views.

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