Register vendors and third-party users
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Register vendors and third-party users

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Article summary

After creating a vendor access group, you must register vendors and third-party users.

Register vendors

  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Go to Domum Remote Access➔Settings➔Vendors.
  3. On this screen, you will see the report of all the vendors already registered at senhasegura and the Contract Number, contract, and other details. 
  4. In the upper-right corner, click the (⁝) View Actions icon.
  5. Select + New.
  6. In the New Vendor registration window, complete the information on the Registration tab:
    • In the Vendor* field, enter the name of the vendor.
    • In the Access group* field, select a group created previously.
    • If desired, complete the Contract and Document ID fields.
    • In the field Start date*, select the date the contract regarding the access consent began.
    • If applicable, complete the Due date field.
    • Select an image to represent the vendor in the Photo field if desired.
      • The image must be in PNG or JPG format and up to 5MB. It will be displayed on the Vendor Dashboard.
      • To view the image, access the vendor report, click the action button for the vendor record, and choose the Dashboard option.
  7. Go to the Location tab and complete the information.
  8. In the Allowed location field, check the option Restrict access to these locations only if you want to delimit the origin of legitimate accesses.
    • This setting is not mandatory.
  9. If you have not checked the access restrictions for locations, click Save
  10. If you checked the access restriction for locations, select the Country and Region of origin of accesses considered legitimate.
  11. Click Add.
  12. You can define more than one location if you want.
  13. Save.

Register third-party users

With the vendor registration completed, you can register the service provider user related to that vendor.

  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Go to Domum Remote Access➔Settings➔Third-party users menu.
  3. On this screen, you will see the report of all third-party users already registered at senhasegura, which vendors they belong to, and their contact data. 
  4. In the upper-right corner, click the (⁝) View Actions icon.
  5. Select + New.
  6. Complete the information on the Personal Data tab in the New third-party registration window.
    • Vendor. Select the vendor created earlier.
    • Name*
    • Email*. Enter a valid email account to send the Domum access URL.
    • Mobile phone*. Enter a valid cell phone number to send the token if the parameter is set to SMS.
    • Picture. If desired, select an image to represent the user.
      • The image must be in PNG or JPG format and up to 5MB. It will be displayed on the Third-party Dashboard.
      • To view the image, go to the third-party user report, click the third-party record action button, and choose the Dashboard option.
  7. Save.

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