Third-party user access request window
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Third-party user access request window

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Article summary

This article describes the information in the Third-party access request window of Domum Remote Access. For more details, access the documentation on how to fill in the third-party access request.


Paths to access:

  • Domum > Request access > Third party > Action Menu > New

  • Domum > Settings > Third party > Users > [Username] > Action column > Request access

Stage 1 – Settings

The section contains the following fields:

Third-party*Mandatory field. It displays a drop-down menu for selecting a registered vendor.
User*Mandatory field. It displays a drop-down menu for selecting a user associated with the vendor.
Justification*Mandatory field. It provides an area for free text with a justification.
Reason*Mandatory field. It displays a drop-down menu for selecting a registered reason.
Governance codeOptional field. It allows for the entry of a governance code, if applicable.
NextButton to go to the next step.

When a limited type user is selected in the User field, the message "This is a limited user, credential permissions must be specified and will be valid until this access expires." is displayed.
If the selected user is a full type, the message "This is a full user, this access will have permissions according to the user group roles." is displayed.

Stage 2 – Devices

The section contains the following fields:

Plus iconIt opens a window displaying a list of available devices for access.
PreviousButton to return to the previous step.
NextButton to go to the next step.

Stage 3 – Credentials

The section contains the following fields:

Plus iconIt opens a window displaying a list of available credentials for access.
PreviousButton to return to the previous step.
NextButton to go to the next step.

The section only displays credentials related to the previously selected devices.

Stage 4 – Access limitation

The section contains the following fields:

Access permission periodSection for specifying the start and duration of the access.
Access permission daysSection for specifying the days of the week when the access will be available.
Access permission timesSection for specifying the times when the access will be available. You can select predefined options or customize a time window.
SessionsA field for specifying a limit on the number of sessions.
PreviousButton to return to the previous step.
NextButton to go to the next step.

Stage 5 – Review

The section contains the following fields:

TableIt displays a summary of all the defined settings.
PreviousButton to return to the previous step.
SaveButton to save the settings and request access.

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