Vendors update form
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Vendors update form

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Article summary


Paths to access:

  • Domum Remote Access > Settings > Vendors > Pencil icon

  • Domum Remote Access > Dashboards > Monitoring Center > Vendors > Pencil icon

Registering Data Tab

The tab presents the following fields:

Vendor*Mandatory field for entering the vendor's name.
Access Group*Mandatory field. Presents a drop-down menu to choose the access group related to the vendor.
ContractOptional field for entering the vendor's contract.
CNPJOptional field for entering the vendor's CNPJ (Brazilian business registration number).
Contract Start*Mandatory field. Presents a calendar to select the contract start date.
Contract EndOptional field. Presents a calendar to select the contract end date, if applicable.
Photo (jpg or png - max 5MB)Optional field. Displays the Choose file button to upload the image of the third-party user.
Status*Mandatory field. Displays the options Active and Inactive to update the vendor's activation status.

Users Tab

The tab presents the following field:

Add iconOpens a pop-up window for adding a new third-party user related to the vendor.

Location Tab

The tab presents the following fields:

Restrict access only to these locationsWhen checked, the box restricts access for all users related to the vendor to the specified locations on the tab.
CountryOpens a drop-down menu to choose the country where access will be allowed.
RegionOpens a drop-down menu to choose the region within the chosen country where access will be allowed.
AddButton to add the selected locations
LocationLists the permitted locations for the access of users related to the vendor.
SaveButton to save the changes

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