About authenticators in DSM
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About authenticators in DSM

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Article summary

Authenticators are essential for information security, as they play a fundamental role in protecting systems and data. Their primary function is to create a secure environment and promote trust between different applications. Trust is essential for secure operations, especially those associated with the exchange of confidential information, the management of secrets, and the administration of permissions.

In the exchange of secrets, authenticators play a crucial role in verifying the identity of entities seeking access to confidential information. They provide a robust mechanism ensuring only authorized applications or users can Authenticators are essential for information security, as they play a fundamental role in protecting systems and data. Their primary function is to create a secure environment and promote trust between different applications. Trust is essential for secure operations, especially those associated with the exchange of confidential information, the management of secrets, and the administration of permissions.

Although not recommended, you can still choose not to integrate authenticators into your application. access protected data. By using access keys, tokens, or other means of secure authentication, authenticators contribute to creating a defensive barrier against unauthorized access.

senhasegura offers integration with the most widely used authenticators:

  • OAuth 1.0.
  • OAuth 2.0.
  • AWS.

Although not recommended, you can still choose not to integrate authenticators into your application.

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