Application Dashboard
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Application Dashboard

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Article Summary

The Application dashboard displays information about specific applications managed by the senhasegura DSM.

Access this dashboard in DevOps Secret Manager ➔ Dashboard ➔ Application.

The following information is available in this dashboard:

Application nameThe name of the application, according to the applied filter.
Line of businessThe application's configured Line of business according to the applied filter.
Application typeThe application's configured Type, according to the applied filter.
Automatic Provisioning of SecretsWhether the application has Dynamic Provisioning enabled or not according to the applied filter. For more information, please check the Dynamic Provisioning guide.
Registration dateDate and time of the application creation in senhasegura DSM according to the applied filter.
AuthorizationsThe total amount of authorizations registered between a given date range is currently enabled for the application according to the applied filter.
EnvironmentsThe total amount of environments registered between a given date range and currently enabled are related to the application according to the applied filter.
SystemsThe total number of systems registered between a given date range and currently enabled are related to the application according to the applied filter.
SecretsThe total amount of secrets registered between a given date range and currently enabled are related to the application according to the applied filter.
CredentialsThe total amount of secrets with credentials registered between a given date range and currently enabled are related to the application according to the applied filter.
Access KeysThe total amount of secrets with cloud access keys registered between a given date range and are currently enabled that are related to the application according to the applied filter.
Authorizations by environmentA pie chart with the total amount of authorizations registered between a given date range related to the application according to the applied filter categorized by the environment.
Authorizations by systemA pie chart with the total amount of authorizations registered between a given date range related to the application according to the applied filter categorized by the system.
Authorizations by hour (Last 24 hours)A bar chart with the total amount of authorizations registered per hour in the last 24 hours.
Secrets consultation by dayA line chart with the total amount of secret requests in a given date range according to the applied filter categorized by day.
Secrets consultation by weekA bar chart with the total amount of secret requests for the last week categorized by weekday.


More Detailed Reports

It is possible to access more details of a given report just by clicking on it using a drill-down navigation format.

Filterable Information

All the displayed information can be filtered by application, but date ranges can filter not allIt is possible to filter information such as:

  • Authorizations by environment
  • Authorizations by system
  • Secrets consultation by day

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