External Secrets
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External Secrets

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Article Summary

DSM integration with Kubernetes through External Secrets


In senhasegura

  1. Create an Access Group in DSM

  2. Create a Secret in senhasegura

  3. Create an Application on senhasegura

  4. Create an Application Authorization for the created application

  5. Add the Secret in the Application Authorization

  6. Copy the value of the Client ID and Client Secret fields of Application Authorization

  7. Create a file with the .yml extension in Kubernetes

  8. Fill in the Client ID and Client Secret in the .yml file

  9. Run the command

kubectl apply -f nomedoarquivo.yml

In Kubernetes, follow the steps in this documentation


  • Check the synchronization status:
kubectl get externalsecret -o wide 
kubectl describe externalsecret example-secret
  • Check if the pod was created:
kubectl get pods -A
  • Check the content of the external secret:
kubectl get secrets/example-secret -n namespace -o yaml


  • Check whether the synchronized secret was created and the data obtained:
kubectl get secrets/example-secret -o yaml
  • Consult external secrets logs:
kubectl logs -f pod/external-secrets-<CHANGEME> -n external-secrets

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