How to authenticate an application
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How to authenticate an application

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Article summary

This tutorial will guide you through a step-by-step on how to authenticate an application created in the A2A module in a REST or HTTP client of your choice.

senhasegura’s A2A APIs support OAuth v1.0, OAuth v2.0, and AWS authentication methods.


senhasegura recommends the use of OAuth v2.0 authentication for enhanced security.

OAuth v1.0 authentication

OAuth v1.0 is an authentication method that uses a set of Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token, and Token Secret to identify and authorize application access.


A previously registered application using OAuth v1.0 as the authentication method and a previously registered authorization for this application. For more information, access the documentation on How to create an application and How to create an authorization for an application.

Obtain OAuth v1.0 request parameters

In order to initiate requests using OAuth v1.0, you must provide the following information:

  • consumer_key

  • consumer_secret

  • token_key

  • token_secret

To find the values for the parameters mentioned above, follow the steps below:

  1. On the senhasegura platform, in the upper left corner, click the Grid Menu, identified by the nine squares, and select A2A.

  2. In the side menu, select Applications.

  3. From the list, select the desired application and, in the Action column, click the three vertical dots to open a drop-down menu.

  4. In the drop-down menu, click Authorizations.

  5. In the Authorizations window, select the desired authorization, and in the Action column, click View, identified by the key icon.

  6. In the Application authorization window, click the eye icons to view the Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Token and the Token Secret.

Make a request using OAuth v1.0

There are numerous ways to make an authentication request using OAuth v1.0.
In the following example, Python is being used to demonstrate it.

Use the following script:

import requests
import urllib3
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1

def make_oauth1_request():
    consumer_key = "CONSUMER_KEY"
    consumer_secret = "CONSUMER_SECRET"
    token_key = "TOKEN_KEY"
    token_secret = "TOKEN_SECRET"

    oauth = OAuth1(consumer_key, consumer_secret, token_key, token_secret)

        response = requests.get(url, auth=oauth, verify=False)
        if response.status_code == 200:
            print("Request was successful!")
            print("Request failed with status code:", response.status_code)
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        print("An error occurred:", e)

if __name__ == "__main__":

When executing a request, replace the ENDPOINT field with the desired senhasegura endpoint. E.g.,




The parameters - consumer_key, consumer_secret, token_key, and token_secret - previously obtained must be inserted in the header of the request, and not in the body.


The following table presents a list with the mandatory and optional authentication parameters.

oauth_signature*A string of unique characters that act as a signature for a request. For more information, go to the documentation for creating the signature.
oauth_version*Make sure to set the version value to 1.0.
oauth_signature_method*The name of the signature method used by the client to sign the request. Set the signature method to HMAC-SHA1.
oauth_consumer_key*The consumer_key value previously obtained.
oauth_token*The token_key value previously obtained.
oauth_consumer_secret*The consumer_secret value previously obtained.
oauth_token_secret*The token_secret value previously obtained.
oauth_nonceA unique and random value generated by the client for each request.
oauth_timestampThe number of seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT, responsible for generating a date signature.

The parameters marked with an asterisk are mandatory.
For more information on the parameters above, access The OAuth v1.0 Protocol RFC.

OAuth v2.0 authentication

OAuth v2.0 is an authentication method that uses a Client ID and a Client Secret to request a time-limited token and access senhasegura resources.


A previously registered application using OAuth v2.0 as the authentication method and a previously registered authorization for this application. For more information, access the documentation on How to create an application and How to create an authorization for an application.

Obtain an OAuth v2.0 authorization token

To obtain an OAuth v2.0 authorization token, follow the steps below.


The process may vary depending on the scenario.

  1. On the senhasegura platform, click the Grid Menu, identified by the nine squares, and select A2A.

  2. In the side menu, select Applications.

  3. From the list, select the desired application and, in the Action column, click the three vertical dots.

  4. Click Authorizations to open a new window with the list of authorizations for the selected application.

  5. Select the desired authorization, and in the Action column, click View, identified by the key icon.

  6. In the Application Authorization window, click the eye icons to view the Client ID and the Client secret.

Make a request using OAuth v2.0

  1. In the HTTP or REST client of your choice, such as Postman, create a collection.

  2. In the Authorization tab > Type, select OAuth 2.0.

  3. In Configure New Token > Configuration Options > Grant Type, select Client Credentials.

  4. In the Access Token URL, make a request to the appliance endpoint. E.g.,

  1. In Client ID, enter the value obtained in step 6 of the Obtain an OAuth v2.0 authorization token section of this tutorial.

  2. In Client Secret, enter the value obtained in step 6 of the Obtain an OAuth v2.0 authorization token section of this tutorial.

  3. Click Get New Access Token, at the bottom of the page.

  4. Click Proceed to open the MANAGE ACCESS TOKENS page and view the Access Token.

  5. Use this Access Token to make the requests in senhasegura’s A2A APIs.


By default, senhasegura creates a token with a 1-hour validity.

Request a new access token

If needed, request a new access token to A2A using the following URI:

POST /senhasegura/iso/oauth2/token

and the following mandatory parameters:


grant_typeThe value informed must always be client_credentials.
client_idValue informed by senhasegura and obtained following the steps in the Make a request using OAuthv2.0 section of this tutorial.
client_secretValue informed by senhasegura and obtained following the steps in the Make a request using OAuthv2.0 section of this tutorial.

Example request

	grant_type: "client_credentials"
	client_id: "765299ec425cf0255badc739c2dce1b10634973e1"
	client_secret: "f13aeddeb57f262835871dab5d839b70"

Expected response

    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 3600,
    "access_token": "

Save the access_token to use in the next calls for every method.

AWS authentication

AWS is an authentication method that enables applications to retrieve stored data using AWS Access Keys ID and Secret Access Keys together with a unique key generated by senhasegura DSM. This method is used mainly for integration with DevOps applications. For more information on AWS authentication, access the Configure the AWS authenticator document.

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