LDAP Server
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LDAP Server

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Article summary

This article provides detailed information about the fields present when creating a new LDAP server form, located through Settings > Authentication > Active Directory > Servers.

HostThe address of the LDAP server you want to connect to. We recommend using the IP address. E.g.,
PortIt identifies the communication channel through which the LDAP server will receive requests. E.g., 389 - default port for non-secure LDAP connections.
EnabledIt specifies whether the server is enabled for use or not.
Credential for authenticationThe credential responsible for authentication queries. It displays a dropdown menu with the credentials registered in the PAM Core module.
Network connectorIt allows senhasegura to connect to an isolated network LDAP server for centralized authentication and user management. It overrides the general network connector configuration set in Devices. E.g., - IP address of the Network Connector server.
DN BaseThe starting point for performing searches in the LDAP directory. E.g., dc=senhasegura,dc=com
Account formThe format to be followed when entering information about the user's account on the LDAP server. It displays a dropdown menu with the options: DN, Username, Backslash, or Principal.
Account filter formatUsername: username=maryflinn Backslash: domain and username separated by a backslash. E.g., domain\user Principal: domain and username separated by an at symbol. E.g., [email protected] DN: dn=cn=maryflinn
Username attributeUniquely identifies a user in the LDAP directory. E.g., uid
Account domainThe primary domain to which the user's account belongs. E.g., senhasegura.com
Account domain (Short name)The short or abbreviated version of the primary domain. E.g., senhasegura
Use Credential Domain?Determines whether the domain to be used will be the authentication credential or the Account Domain field. This function is for synchronizing users who are part of an Active Directory (AD) group.
GroupA set of related users who share similar permissions and privileges. E.g., managers
Group DNThe unique identifier of the group in the LDAP directory. E.g., cn=managers,ou=groups,dc=senhasegura,dc=com
Group attribute (GroupAttr)The field that uniquely identifies a group in the LDAP directory. E.g., cn
Group scopeIt determines the scope of members affected by a particular group. E.g., commonusers
Group filterAn expression that defines criteria for filtering specific groups in the LDAP directory. E.g., objectClass=group
Member attribute (MemberAttr)It relates a user to a group in the LDAP directory. E.g., member.
OrderThe lower the number, the higher the priority. When one server fails, the second one in order is used.
Use SSL?It specifies whether authentication uses an SSL connection. By default, with SSL, the port used is 636.
Member is DN?It specifies whether the object or entity is part of the DN.
Bind requires DN?It specifies whether authentication needs to provide a binding DN (Bind-DN) to authenticate the connection to the LDAP server.
DN Bind (leave blank to use DN Base)SIf the Bind requires DN option is enabled, it must be filled in to authenticate the connection. E.g., cn=managers,dc=senhasegura,dc=com

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