How to create a request
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How to create a request

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Article summary

A request is the process of seeking the issuance of a digital certificate from a Certification Authority. Requisitions are necessary for senhasegura to understand the type of certificate you want and which authority should endorse it. Every requisition includes a CSR (Certificate Signing Request), which shares vital information with the Certification Authority to generate the certificate.

You can create new requisitions from the product or import existing ones. This article explains how to do both actions.

Create a request

To manually create a request, follow these steps:

  1. In the top left corner, click Grid Menu, identified by the nine squares icon, and then select Certificate Manager.
  2. On the side menu, select Certificates and then Requests.
  3. In the top right corner, click View actions (the three vertical dots icon).
  4. Select New; this will open the Requisition form.
  5. In the General tab, enter the information:
    1. From the Certificate type drop-down, select the desired certificate type.
    2. For Domain type, check the desired option.
    3. From the Organization drop-down, select an organization and click Add.
    4. In Common name, type the appropriate name.
    5. In Expiration (in days), set the period for the certificate to remain valid.
    6. In SAN (Subject Alternative Name), type all domains to be protected with this certificate.
    7. Add any Tags you want.
    8. From the Encryption algorithm drop-down, select the encryption algorithm.

    Remember to choose the appropriate algorithm for your organization's security criteria.

    1. From the Encryption key size drop-down, select the key size consistent with the algorithm.
    2. From the Certificate signing algorithm drop-down, select the algorithm used to sign the certificate through the Certification Authority.

    For added security, consider adding a Store password for certificate viewing. The password can have up to 72 characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and the symbols Passwords can have up to 72 characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and the symbols ! % @ # ^ * _


    Although adding a Revocation password isn’t mandatory, it’s highly recommended. Certificates issued without this password are subject to unintended revocations by anyone with access to the CA. The criteria for this password are the same as mentioned above.

  6. Click Save.

On the Requests' main page, you'll see the request you just created.


Refer to the Requisition article for information on the other form tabs.

Import a request

If you already have a request, you can import it for senhasegura to process and generate the certificate.

To import a request, follow these steps:

  1. In the top left corner, click Grid Menu, identified by the nine squares icon, and then select Certificate Manager.
  2. On the side menu, select Certificates and then Requests.
  3. In the top right corner, click View actions (the three vertical dots icon).
  4. Select Import request; this will open the Import certificate form.
  5. Choose the CSR File and the Key File from your machine.

    Although not mandatory, we recommend adding the Key password and Revocation password. These passwords protect the information and enhance the security of the process.

  6. From the Certificate signing algorithm drop-down, select the algorithm used to sign the certificate through the Certification Authority.
  7. From the Certificate type drop-down, select the desired certificate type.
  8. For Domain type, check the desired option.
  9. From the Organization drop-down, select an organization and click Add.
  10. Click Save.

On the Requests' main page, you'll see the request you just imported.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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