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Article summary

Cloud Entitlements provides an audit report to track all actions performed by users. This report displays changes made in the Cloud Entitlements within a specific tenant.

To access the Cloud Entitlements audit report, click the Audit icon, in the left-side menu.


Only users with the Cloud Security - Tenant Auditor permission for the tenant can access this report.

Audit Report

The report provides the following information about changes in Cloud Entitlements:

ProductThe Product column displays the name of the specific product in which the action was performed.
UserIn the User column, you can find the user responsible for the action.
EventThe Event column describes the specific action that the user performed. Possible values for this column include: AWS Account Registration, AWS Account Editing, GCP Project Registration, GCP Project Editing, and Updating Security Policies for AWS Accounts.
Identity typeThe Identity Type column specifies the type of identity that changed.
EntityThe Entity column displays the name of the entity that changed.
Entity IDThe Entity ID column provides the ID of the altered entity.
DateThe Date column indicates the exact time when the action occurred.

The name of the entity can be changed, but the entity ID always remains the same. This ensures that changes can be traced back to the original identity.

For detailed information about a change, click on the corresponding report line for the action. This action will open a JSON file that displays the states before and after the modification.

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