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Article summary

The Cloud Entitlements’ homepage works as a central hub for monitoring your cloud identities and accessing important information about their health and security recommendations.

In this article, you can consult the key features and sections available on Home.

Connect accounts

On the upper right corner of the Home page you can find a shortcut to connect your accounts to Cloud Entitlements.

By clicking the icon Connect, you will open a drop-down menu. Choose a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) and click on it to be redirected to the Cloud setup page.

Filter data by tags

On the upper-left corner of the Home page, you can filter the accounts connected to Cloud Entitlements based on their tags.

You can attribute up to 10 tags to accounts.

Tags can be attributed when you connect a new account by clicking on Connect or editing an already connected account.

Cloud health

At the top of the Home page, you'll find the Cloud health chart, providing insights into the security levels of your cloud environments registered in Cloud Entitlements.

The security of your cloud environments is assessed based on criticality levels, with 0% indicating an unsafe environment and 100% representing a fully secure environment.


The Cloud health chart utilizes the criticality levels defined in your Security policies to determine the security percentage of the environments.

By clicking the expand icon, identified by a box and an arrow, you’ll open a 3D chart that presents information in four levels:

  1. Tenant: positioned at the center of the graph, this level provides an overview of the Cloud Entitlements tenant.
  2. CSPs: displays the connected Cloud Service Providers associated with the Cloud Entitlements tenant.
  3. Accounts: displays the accounts of the CSPs connected to the Cloud Entitlements tenant. It’s represented by a blue dot.
  4. Identities: provides the identities associated with each CSP account connected to Cloud Entitlements. The representation uses dots in different colors to indicate the impact level of the identity in your environment:
ColorImpact level
Dark greenLowest impact
Light greenLow impact
YellowModerate impact
OrangeHigh impact
RedHighest impact

Identity information view:

When clicking on an identity node in Cloud Health, it's possible to open a sidebar displaying a summary of relevant information about the identity. This information includes:

  • Full name of the principal.
  • Identity type.
  • Identity account.
  • Impact score.
  • Number of high recommendations.
  • Number of medium recommendations.
  • Number of low recommendations.
  • Shortcut to detail screen.

Recommendations report

Here, you can find an overview of the identities that have received a high number of recommendations.

This information helps you prioritize your actions and focus on improving the security and efficiency of your cloud resources.

Criticality recommendations

Next to the Recommendations report, you can consult your number of recommendations, classified by the following levels of criticallity:

  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

The criticality levels are defined by the Security Policies. If you need more information about it, refer to the article Security policies.


The home page includes various dashboards that offer valuable insights into your cloud identities' health and recommendations. Here are the dashboards available:

  • Your Cloud Identities Health: Monitor the overall health and status of your cloud identities based on two states: Vulnerable and Not vulnerable.

  • Recommendations by Provider: Track recommendations based on the CSPs you’re using.

  • Recommendations by Account: Track recommendations based on the specific connected account.

  • Recommendations by Identity Type: Displays recommendations based on different identity types.

Suggested, followed, and pending recommendations

Here, you can find information about the total number of suggested recommendations, recommendations you have followed, and recommendations awaiting action.

Last seven days recommendations

On this graph, you have access to a history of issues and their resolutions from the last seven days.

Identities visibility graph

Lastly, the home page features a graph showcasing the number of identities visible by Cloud Entitlements.

This graph provides a comprehensive view of the identities being monitored.


You can generate a PDF report based on the displayed information in the dashboard using the export button.

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