Organization audit
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Organization audit

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Article summary

Cloud Security provides an audit report to track all user actions within your organization. This report helps you monitor changes made at an organization level.

Organization audit report

The organization audit report offers you the following information about actions performed:

ProductThe Product column displays the name of the specific product where the action occurred.
UserIn the User column, you find the user responsible for the action.
EventThe Event column describes the specific action that the user performed. See the table of organization-level events below for more details on each type of event.
Entity typeThe Entity type column specifies the type of entity that underwent a change.
EntityThe Entity column displays the name of the entity that was altered.
Entity IDThe Entity ID column provides the ID of the Entity that was altered.
DateThe Date column indicates the exact timestamp when the action occurred.

Users can change the entity’s name, but the entity ID will always remain the same. This ensures that changes can be traced back to the original entity.

To open detailed information about the changes made, click on the action row in the report. This will open a JSON file that displays the state before and after the modification.

Organization-level events

The table below displays the actions and events that can appear in the audit report at the organization level.

Create OrganizationA new organization has been created.
Manage Organization AdminThe user assigned to an organization as administrator has been removed from the organization.
Create TenantA tenant has been created for the organization.

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