Access groups form
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Access groups form

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Article summary

This article describes the fields in the Access Groups form of Domum Remote Access. For more details, see the documentation on how to create an access group. The information is the same for the registration and update forms.

At the top of the window, you’ll find the following fields:

Access group name*Mandatory field. It provides a space for entering or updating a descriptive name.
Enabled*Mandatory field. It sets the group's activation status. The options are Yes or No.
DescriptionOptional field. It provides a space for entering additional information about the access group.

Settings tab

The tab contains the following sections:

Password preview settingsSection for configuring the password display restrictions
Remote session settingsSection for configuring remote login restrictions.
Access request settingsSection for configuring the conditions for requesting access.

For more details, see the documentation on how to create an access group.

Approvers tab

The tab contains the following fields:


To become an approver, the user should have at least the Domum Operator profile.

Plus iconIt opens a window with the list of users qualified to be approvers.
SaveButton to save the settings and create or update an access group.

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