Batch import third-party - Process details window
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Batch import third-party - Process details window

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Article summary

This article presents the information in the Process details pop-up window relative to the batch import for third-party users.


Path to access:

  • Domum Remote Access > Settings > Third-party > Batch import > An import record from the list > Action column > Process details (represented by the list icon) > Process details pop-up window

The header contains the following fields:

CodeDisplays the identification code for the import report. Example: 3.
FileDisplays the name of the file used in the batch import.
Request dateDisplays the date and time of import.
RequesterDisplays the name of the user who performed the import.
LocaleDisplays the language on the senhasegura platform that the user was using at the time of import. This information is used to process the spreadsheet.

Lower table

The table contains the following fields:

MessageDisplays the message returned at the end of the process.
StatusDisplays the process status.
LinesDisplays the number of lines in the batch import spreadsheet. This number is a sum of Users and Lines with error.
UsersDisplays the number of users imported.
Lines with errorDisplays the number of lines with error in the batch import spreadsheet.
StartDisplays the date and time the process started.
EndDisplays the date and time the process ended.
ProgressDisplays, in percentage, the process progress.
ErrorIndicates the presence or absence of error in the import process.

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