Credentials by application reports
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Credentials by application reports

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Article summary

These reports can be accessed at:

  • Dashboards > Vendors > Information > Desktop Applications
  • Dashboards > Third-Party Users > Information > Desktop Applications
  • Dashboards > Internal User Groups > Information > Desktop Applications
  • Dashboards > Internal Users > Information > Desktop Applications

They respectively present credential information for Desktop Applications, categorized into Vendors, Third-Party Users, Internal User Groups, and Internal Users.

Report details:


Show FiltersIdentified by the magnifying glass icon. Displays or hides the search fields on the screen.
UpdateIdentified by the counterclockwise arrow icon. Refreshes the page.
View ActionsIdentified by the three vertical dots icon. Displays a drop-down menu with possible actions for the reports.
Print ReportDrop-down menu option identified by the printer icon. Opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVDrop-down menu option identified by the sheet of paper icon. Downloads the report.
Schedule ReportDrop-down menu option identified by the clock icon. Opens the Schedule Report form.

Search Fields

DeviceFilters credentials for desktop applications based on the device name.
User nameFilters credentials for desktop applications based on a username.
Credential typeFilters credentials for desktop applications based on a credential type.
DomainFilters credentials for web applications from a domain registered in the application.
Type of deviceFilters credentials for desktop applications based on a device type.
ModelFilters credentials for desktop applications from the selected template.
SiteFilters credentials for desktop applications from the site name.
Credential tagsFilters credentials for desktop applications based on an inserted tag.
MacroFilters credentials for desktop applications from a macro.
Macro typeFilters credentials for desktop applications based on a type of macro.
FilterButton to execute the configured filtering process.
ClearButton to clear the filled fields and start a new search.

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