Change passwords in GCP Managed Microsoft AD
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Change passwords in GCP Managed Microsoft AD

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Article summary

This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to change passwords using credentials from GCP Managed Microsoft AD. It explains how to create a new template and set up automatic password changes using the LDAP plugin.


  • The senhasegura must have access to the directory service managed by GCP;
  • The certificate must be implemented in the GCP panel for the LDAPS of the domain to be managed;
  • To perform the password change, it is necessary to use the setupadmin (default) user created by GCP, located in "OU=Cloud Service Objects,DC=domain,DC=com". More information at: Default Active Directory objects in Managed Microsoft AD.


  1. To create a new template, go to Executions ➔ Settings ➔ Templates.

  2. Click on the icon and then click + New.

    1. In the Execution template window,
    2. Fill in the following information:
      • Name: Choose any name to identify this template, e.g. "AD - Change User Password - GCP AD MANAGED Services".
      • Executor: Select LDAP.
      • Execution Type: Select Change Password.
      • In the Content box section, insert the following text:
      #Protocol Version
      set-option LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION 3
      set-option LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS 0
      #Execute Bind
      #bind example "CN=senha,OU=Cloud Service Objects,DC=services,DC=com"
      bind "[your user bind Location]"
      #Locate User Entry
      #find path example "DC=services,DC=com"
      find "[your Location to find the users]" (&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=[#USERNAME#]))
      #Change Password
      mod-replace unicodePwd "u([#NEW_PASSWORD#])"
  3. After creating the template, navigate to PAM Core ➔ Credentials ➔ All.

  4. Find the credential for which you want to automate password changes.

  5. Click the icon on the right of the credential, then select Edit.

    1. In the Credential window,
    2. Go to the Execution settings tab.
    3. Under Credential password change settings,
    4. Enable automatic change.
    5. For Change plugin, select LDAP.
    6. For Change template, select the template created in step 2.
    7. Click Save.

The credential's password will be changed according to the password policy set using this template.

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