Register rule for users
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Register rule for users

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Article summary

  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Navigate to GO Endpoint Manager➔Policies➔Linux➔Rules for sudo.
  3. Click and select the option New rule for sudo user.
  4. At the New rule for sudo user form, in the Main tab, complete the fields:
    • Identification name: define a name to identify the rule.
    • Enabled: set the status of the rule.
    • Commands for rule application (must be used the full path): fill in with the command's path that you can run as sudo and elevate privileges. To find the command's path in the Linux terminal, run which [the command you want].
    • It should be NOPASSWD?: if you check Yes, the user won’t be prompted for a password to run the command as sudo. If you check No, the user will be asked for a password to run it.
    • Description: add a brief description about this rule.
  5. Go to the Users tab.
  6. Select Users+.
  7. Choose the users you want to add.
  8. Click Add.
  9. Click Save.

Validate sudo rules on the target device

  1. Access the Linux terminal.
  2. Enter this command to verify:
cat /etc/sudoers.d/senhasegura

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