Installation error messages
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Installation error messages

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1004: Invalid credential

Problem: the workstation asymmetric key does not exist on the senhasegura server.

Solution: it is necessary to re-register the workstation. See the Generate a Use License section of the Installation article.

2028: The workstation version is prohibited

Problem: the version installed on the workstation has been disapproved by the administrator of GO Endpoint Manager for Windows. Since the version is prohibited, it cannot be used. Register a new version. 

Solutionget a new version in PAM Solution and redo the installation.


1005: Unregistered Workstation

Problem: the workstation needs to be approved on the senhasegura platform.

Solution: redo the installation.

1002: Registration of pending approval Workstation

Problem: the workstation is pending approval by the administrator in the GO Endpoint Manager for Windows workstation registration.

Solutionthe workstation must be approved. See the Manually Approve Workstation section in the installation article. If self-approval is enabled, the user can approve the workstation himself.

1008: Certificate inactive

Problem: the workstation was inactivated by the administrator in the workstation register of the GO Endpoint Manager for Windows.

Solutionthe workstation must be approved. See the Manually Approve Workstation section in the installation article.


1013: Local user does not exist on server

Problem: the workstation user does not have an account with the same username on the senhasegura platform.

Solutionit is necessary to create a user on the senhasegura platform with the same username as the workstation. See the article Create a user in the senhasegura Administration module.

1014: User pending approval location

Problem: the user is pending approval to use GO Endpoint Manager for Windows on the Workstation.

Solutionyou need to approve the user. See the Manually Approve User section of the Setup article. If self-approval is enabled, the user does not need approval.

1011: User inactive location

Problem: the workstation user is inactive in senhasegura. In these cases, the user already used GO Endpoint Manager for Windows, but the Workstation user is inactive. Don't get confused. This is the senhasegura platform user account.

Solutionyou need to approve the user. See the Manually Approve User section of the Setup article.

GO Logs Missing After senhasegura Platform Update

Logs before the version 3.27 upgrade are not displayed in GO Endpoint Manager ➔ Reports ➔ Windows ➔ Events. You must add this URL in the browser path to access the old logs: /flow/coof/certificado/evento/report

An access list is not working

Check if you have a rule with the File Hash criteria. Suppose you have an access list with Product Name, Directory, and File Hash. Only the File Hash will be considered, and all other criteria will not. And if it is an access list with more than one Hash of the file, they are considered with the evaluation of an "OR" condition.

Community senhasegura 

To learn more about this subject, see the topics created on GO Endpoint Manager.

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