How to set temporary policies for Azure identities
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How to set temporary policies for Azure identities

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Article summary

This document provides information on how to set temporary policies for Azure identities in the Identities report.


The integration mode of the account must be Read and Write.

Set temporary policies for Azure identities

To set temporary policies for Azure identities, view the following procedure:

  1. Access Cloud Security.
  2. Access the Cloud Entitlements product.
  3. In the Cloud Entitlements menu, click Identities.
  4. Click the Azure identity you want to set temporary policies to.
  5. Go to the Findings tab.
  6. Go to the Roles section, and click the + Add button.
  7. In the Add JIT policy window, select a subscription, a policy, the expiration date for the policy, and click Save.

After setting a temporary policy, a pop-up will appear at the top of the screen informing if the policy was successfully set or not.

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