LDAP/AD servers
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LDAP/AD servers

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Article summary

In this document you'll find a reference guide for the LDAP/AD servers on senhasegura.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select Settings.
  2. On the side menu, select Authentication > Active Directory > Servers.

Top bar

Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass icon. Displays or hides the search fields on the screen.
UpdateRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow icon. Refreshes the page.
View actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots icon. Displays the possible actions for the page.
NewOpen the LDAP Server window.
Print reportRepresented by the printer icon. It opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVRepresented by the sheet of paper icon, downloads the report.
Schedule reportRepresented by the clock icon. It opens the window for scheduling the report.

Search fields

When you click on Show filters, a series of fields are displayed. These are used to refine your search results. They are:

HostFilters by the host of the LDAP/AD server.
EnabledFilters by LDAP/AD server status. Can be or.

In addition to these options, you have two buttons: Filter, which applies the parameters passed into the fields, and Clear, which clears all the parameters.

Report fields

In the server list, you have the following fields:

  • ID: displays the server's registration code within senhasegura.
  • Host: displays the server's address or hostname.
  • Port: displays the port on which the LDAP/AD server listens**.**
  • Username: displays the user name for connecting to the server.
  • Base DN: displays the server's Base DN parameters.
  • Account canonical form: displays a specific representation of a user account's username or path in the directory. For example, senhasegura.com/Users/John Doe.
  • Account filter format: displays the filter expression used to specify search criteria for locating user accounts or other objects in the directory. For example: (&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=johndoe)).
  • Use SSL: displays whether the server uses SSL.
  • Bind requires DN: displays whether the server requires DN for the bind process.
  • Account domain name: displays the domain name in which the server is registered.
  • Short account domain name: also known as NetBIOS Domain Name, is the shortened version of the domain name in a network environment that uses directory services. This field displays the short name used to log into the Windows network. For example: SENHASEGURA\johndoe.
  • Ordem:
  • Enabled: displays whether the server is active or not.
  • In the Action column, you have two options:
    • Change: opens the LDAP Server window in edit mode.
    • Test authentication: opens the LDAP connection test window.

LDAP server window

When you click on New or Edit, the LDAP Server window will open. This window contains the following fields:

HostLDAP server host.
PortPort where the LDAP server will listen.
EnabledRadio button to indicate the status of the server in senhasegura. It can be Yes or No.
Credential for authenticationDrop-down menu for choosing the credential that will be used to authenticate to the LDAP/AD server.
Network connectorDrop-down menu for choosing the connector used with the LDAP/AD server.
DN BaseServer DN base.
Account formAccount form.
Account filter formatAccount filter format.
Account domainName of the domain to which the account belongs.
Account domain (Short name)Short name for the domain to which the account belongs.
Use credential domain?Radio button to indicate whether the server should use a domain credential.
Username attributeIndicates the account's unique username
DN bind (leave blank to use DN Base)Indicates whether the DN will be used as a unique identifier.
Member is DN?Radio button to indicate whether the member will be identified by DN.
Bind requires DN?Radio button to indicate whether the Bind process will require DN.
GroupIndicates the name of the group to which the server belongs.
Group DNIndicates the DN of the group in question.
Group attribute (GroupAttr)Indicates the attributes of the group in question.
Group scopeIndicates the scope of the group in question.
Group filterIndicates a filter expression to be used in the group in question.
Member attribute (MemberAttr)Indicates which member attributes are required for the group in question.
Use SSL?Radio button to indicate the use of SSL. By default, it is set to No.

Authentication test window

By clicking on the three vertical dots in the Action column and selecting the Test authentication option, the LDAP authentication test window will open with the following fields:

Server example.com:8080Label indicating the name and port of the LDAP server being tested for authentication.
Base DNBase DN parameters do connect to the server in question.
UserField for entering the user’s username used in the authentication test.
PasswordField for entering the user's password that will be used in the authentication test.

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