How to clone an access key authorization
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How to clone an access key authorization

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Article summary

This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to clone your access key authorizations.


An active access key authorization. For more information on how to add an access key authorization, access How to add an API key authorization.

Clone an authorization access key

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, and select MySafe.
  2. In the side menu, select + Integrations > Access keys.
  3. From the list, locate the access key authorization you want to change.
  4. In the Action column, click the three vertical dots.
  5. In the drop-down menu, select Clone, represented by the two sheets of paper icon.
  6. A confirmation pop-up question similar to the following one is displayed:

“Are you sure you want to clone [name]?”

  1. Click Yes to confirm.

A pop-up window with the message “Access key successfully cloned” confirms the action. Below the message, you can click Change to be directed to the Update access key screen, where you can change the access key authorization information; or click Close to close the window.

Once cloned, the word 'Copy' will appear, between parentheses, below the application’s name in the Application column, and the column Expiration date will be empty.

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