Private groups - Add/Edit
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    Private groups - Add/Edit

    Article summary

    This article contains detailed information regarding MySafe’s Private groups screen.


    This article refers specifically to the creation and/or edit screens of a private group.

    Paths to access:
    • Add a private group:
      Grid Menu > MySafe > Access control > Private groups > View actions (represented by the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the screen) > New private group > Private groups screen

    • Edit a private group:
      Grid Menu > MySafe > > Access control > Private groups > The private group you want to edit > Action column > Edit (represented by a paper and pencil icon) > Private groups screen

    Settings tab

    Name*Mandatory field for entering a name for the created or edited private group.
    Status*Mandatory field to define the private group’s status. The options are Enabled and Disabled.
    Allow members to view this group?*Mandatory field to define whether other members will be able to view this group’s information. The options are Yes and No.
    DescriptionOptional field for entering a description for the private group.

    Users tab

    Users +The plus sign next to the word Users opens the System users screen where you can search for users to add to your private group.
    Trash can iconIcon to remove the added user.
    NameName of the user added to the group.
    Usernamesenhasegura’s registered username of the user.
    E-Mailsenhasegura’s registered email of the user.
    Creation typeIndicates whether the group was created locally or not.
    Added byName of the user who added the member to the private group.
    Added onDate and time when the member was added to the private group.

    Screen button/icon

    SaveButton that saves the added information.
    Eye iconIcon that displays information on who created the private group and when, as well as who performed the last change and when.

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