How to manage the firewall
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How to manage the firewall

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Article summary

One of the many configurations you can do with the Orbit CLI is the management of firewalls blocked hosts, performed by the HIDS. Use the orbit firewall command to manage hosts attempting to connect to senhasegura via Secure Shell Protocol (SSH).

The orbit firewall command can be used with arguments and flags. Example: orbit firewall [argument] [--flag].


Run orbit firewall --help to learn more about all available flags and arguments or access the Reference for Firewall command documentation.

Orbit firewall arguments guide

Use the status argument to access the currently blocked hosts list. Example: orbit firewall status.

Expected output example:

Currently blocked hosts

Block IPs

To block a specific IP, use the block argument with the --host flag followed by the target IP and confirm the action. Example: orbit firewall block --host=

Expected output example:

Are you sure you want to proceed: y
No errors reported

Allow IPs

The firewall blocks hosts that failed three SSH connection authentications. If you have tests or false positives being blocked, unblock those IPs and send them to the allowlist.

To grant access to specific IPs, use the unblock argument with the --host flag followed by the target IP and confirm the action. Example: orbit firewall unblock --host=


You can only allow IPs that have been previously blocked. Blocked hosts are denied access to all services (web interface, SSH, RDP, and others).

Expected output example:

Are you sure you want to proceed: y
No errors reported

To activate or deactivate ICMP from hosts, use the icmp argument followed by the enable or disable command, the target IP. To confirm the action, enter y. Example: orbit firewall icmp enable --ip=

Expected output example:

Are you sure you want to proceed: y
No errors reported

Normalize firewall rules

To normalize the firewall rules, use the orbit firewall normalize. To confirm the action, enter y.

Expected output example:

Are you sure you want to proceed: y
Firewall normalized
No errors reported

The** Orbit CLI** will automatically run the normalize action with each system update.


To add hosts to the allowlist, use the orbit wazuh whitelist command, specify all hosts needing server access with the add argument, and pass the comma-separated IPs with the --ips flag.


orbit wazuh whitelist add --ips=,,

To remove IPs from the Wazuh allowlist, use the orbit wazuh whitelist command, specify all hosts that don't need access to the server with the delete argument, and pass the comma-separated IPs with the --ips flag.


orbit wazuh whitelist delete --ips=,,

To print the Wazuh allowlist, use the status argument. Example: orbit wazuh whitelist status.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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