System parameters
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System parameters

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Article summary

In this document, you’ll find detailed information about User Behavior’s System settings which allows the administrator of the senhasegura instance to configure actions that will be considered suspicious and may trigger a request for user identity verification.


  • Administrator permission.

Paths to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select User Behavior.
  2. In the side menu, select Settings > System parameters.

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select System parameters > System parameters > User Behavior.

General settings

Minimum suspicious score (1 to 15)*Field to define the score threshold at which a behavior will be considered suspicious.
User initial rating (0 to 10)*Field to define the initial score for the user in the system. 0 means that a new user is considered highly suspicious, and 10 would indicate that new users are considered very trustworthy.

Session settings section

In this section, the administrator defines the session-related settings.

Number of days for history*Field to define the number of days that will be considered to determine the user's standard behavior related to sessions.
Variation rate (%)*Field to define, in percentage, the deviation rate from the standard behavior that will be considered suspicious.
Submit high-risk sessions to audit?*Field to define whether high-risk sessions will be sent to the audit queue. The possible options are Yes and No.

You must select at least one auditor to send sessions for auditing. You can configure the default auditors in PAM Core > Settings > Access > Default Auditors.

Checking weight

In this section, the administrator defines a score for each session in which some unusual action was performed. The results of these score sums can be accessed in the reports under User Behavior > Behavior Analysis > Session events. The Risk column of each report shows the total session score according to the values defined in the fields below.

Access unusual target*Field to define the score for when the user accesses an unusual target device during the session. The maximum allowed score for this item is 3.
Access unusual origin*Field to define the score for when the user starts the session from an unusual origin. The maximum allowed score for this item is 3.
Access unusual credential*Field to define the score for when the user starts the session with an unusual credential. The maximum allowed score for this item is 3.
Access unusual time*Field to define the score for when the user starts the session at an unusual time. The maximum allowed score for this item is 3.
Access unusual duration*Field to define the score for when the user performs a session with an unusual duration. The maximum allowed score for this item is 3.

Password view settings section

In this section, the administrator defines the settings related to password visibility.

Number of days for history*Field to define the number of days that will be considered to determine the user's standard behavior related to sessions.
Variation rate (%)*Field to define, in percentage, the deviation rate from the standard behavior that will be considered suspicious.

Checking weight

In this section, the administrator defines that each action related to unusual password visibility has a set weight. The results of these score sums can be accessed in the reports under User Behavior > Behavior Analysis > Credential view events. The Risk column of each report shows the total session score according to the values defined in the fields below.

View unusual origin*Field to define the score for when the user views passwords from an unusual origin. The maximum allowed score for this item is 3.
View unusual credential*Field to define the score for when the user views passwords from an unusual credential. The maximum allowed score for this item is 3.
View unusual time*Field to define the score for when the user views passwords at an unusual time. The maximum allowed score for this item is 3.
Unusual password change*Field to define the score for when the user changes a password unexpectedly. The maximum allowed score for this item is 3.

Administrators are notified whenever a user attempts to manually change the password of a credential that was recently rotated successfully by senhasegura.

Actions for sessions with unusual length

In this section, the administrator defines the consequences for sessions with unusual duration.

Block session*Field to define the block for sessions with unusual duration. The available options are Yes and No.
Block session and user*Field to define the block for both sessions with unusual duration and the user who conducted the session. The available options are Yes and No.

Actions for sessions held at unusual times

In this section, the administrator defines the consequences for sessions conducted at unusual times.

Block session*Field to define the block for sessions at unusual times. The available options are Yes and No.
Block session and user*Field to define the block for sessions at unusual times and the user who conducted the session. The available options are Yes and No.

Actions for sessions of unusual origins

In this section, the administrator defines the consequences for sessions conducted from unusual devices.

Block sessionField to define the block for sessions from unusual origins. The available options are Yes and No.
Block session and userField to define the block for sessions from unusual origins and the user who conducted the session. The available options are Yes and No.

Actions for sessions to unusual destinations

In this section, the administrator defines the consequences for sessions conducted with unusual target devices.

Block session*Field to define the block for sessions to unusual destinations. The available options are Yes and No.
Block session and user*Field to define the block for sessions to unusual destinations and the user who conducted the session. The available options are Yes and No.

Actions for sessions with unusual credentials

In this section, the administrator defines the consequences for sessions conducted with unusual credentials.

Block sessionField to define the block for sessions with unusual credentials. The available options are Yes and No.
Block session and userField to define the block for sessions with unusual credentials and the user who conducted the session. The available options are Yes and No.

Continuous identification settings

In this section, the administrator configures the scoring of triggers that will prompt a reauthentication request for the user in senhasegura.


By default, this feature is disabled. To activate it, set the parameters to a value other than zero.

Rating drop*Field to define the value of the reduction in the user’s rating that will trigger a reauthentication request.
High risk sessions*Field to define the number of high-risk sessions—those in which audited commands were executed. When this number is reached, a user reauthentication request will be triggered.
Blocked commands*Field to define the number of audited commands configured as Block or Interrupt execution that, when reached, will trigger a user reauthentication request.
Session attempts at prohibited times*Field to define the number of attempts to conduct a session at a prohibited time that, when reached, will trigger a user reauthentication request.
View attempts at prohibited times*Field to define the number of attempts to view passwords at a prohibited time that, when reached, will trigger a user reauthentication request.
  • The items with an asterisk are mandatory.

  • Settings related to Rating drop are defined in the User Behavior configuration and can be viewed and/or edited under Settings > User Behavior.

  • Settings related to High-risk sessions and Blocked commands are defined during the creation or editing of audited commands and can be viewed in the report available under User Behavior > Settings > Audited commands.

  • Settings related to Session attempts at prohibited times and View attempts at prohibited times are defined during the creation or editing of access groups and can be viewed in the report available under PAM Core > Settings > Access > Access groups.

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