Single Sign-On with ADFS
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Single Sign-On with ADFS

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Article summary

This guide intends to show how you can use your ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services) server to make a single sign-on with senhasegura.


Create an ADFS provider

SAML Authentication is necessary to create an SSO (single sign-on) using Windows ADFS and senhasegura.

Go to Settings ➔ Authentication ➔ SAML ➔ Providers:

  1. Inside the SAML provider screen, select and + New provider

image.pngSAML Provider Form


  1. Select SAML provider as Type

  2. Leave Enable as Yes

  3. Type the Entity ID. It must be one of the relying party identifiers created in your Windows ADFS server.


    Pay attention to upper and lower cases. The Entity ID must be the same as shown in your Windows ADFS server.
    Try to avoid using https:// for your relying party identifiers.

  4. Insert your ADFS metadata url. It should be similar to the example below:

  5. In Domain or public IP for URL Redirection, type your senhasegura url. For example:

  6. In the URL configuration, type the Login and Logout ADFS Endpoints URL. For example:

  7. Set the Redirect binding type to POST

  8. Click Save

Create a new Relying Party Trust for senhasegura

  1. Go to your Windows ADFS server and run the program "AD FS Management"


  1. Right click Relying Party Trust and choose Add Relying Party Trust...


  1. Select Claims aware

  2. Select Enter data about the relying party manually

  3. Define a Display name

  4. In both fields: Enable support for the WS-Federation Passive protocol and Enable support for the SAML 2.0 WebSSO protocol, add the Redirect URL provided to you in the SAML provider registration



  1. Add a Relying party trust identifier. We are using "senhasegura" in this example.


  1. Finish and close.

ADFS Claim Issuance Policy

In some scenarios, depending on how you have your users in senhasegura, you might need to change the Claim Issuance Policy. In this example, senhasegura users have a username with [email protected]

  1. Go to your Windows ADFS server and run the program "AD FS Management"

  2. Right click in the Relying Party Trust used for senhasegura

  3. Click Edit Claim Issuance Policy...

  4. Create a rule for the name


  1. Create a rule for the email


ADFS Entity ID

To find your ADFS Entity ID, you must:

  1. Go to your Windows ADFS server and run the program "AD FS Management"

  2. Right click in the Relying Party Trust used for senhasegura

  3. Click Properties

  4. Select the Identifiers tab

  5. Use one of the Relying party identifiers or add a new one.

ADFS Metadata URL

To find your ADFS metadata URL:

  1. Open PowerShell

  2. Execute the following command:

    (Get-ADFSEndpoint | where Protocol -eq "Federation Metadata").FullUrl | Select AbsoluteUri



ADFS URLs Configuration

To find your ADFS URL configuration, you must go to your Windows ADFS server:

  1. Open PowerShell

  2. Execute the following command:

    Get-ADFSProperties | Select FederationPassiveAddress


  3. Use the FederationPassiveAddress, then your ADFS URL configuration should be:

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