Use cases
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Use cases

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Case 1: This policy will block anyone, except the "user", from running the command "top"

  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Navigate to GO Endpoint Manager➔Policies➔Linux➔Access Policies.
  3. In the upper right corner, click on and choose New rule.
  4. At the Access policy register form, in the Main tab, complete the fields:
    • Policy name: choose an easily identifiable name.
    • Enabled: if you select the option Yes, the policy is considered on target devices.
    • Guideline: select the option Binary Run.
    • Checker (path or executor): fill with path="/usr/bin/top".
    • Enable audit?: mark Yes if you want to audit the execution of the registered rules.
    • Include general denial rule?: check this option so that no Linux workstation user can execute something that is not allowed by the access policy.
    • Allow or block: set to Allow.
    • Rule text: fill with task.uid=”user”
  5. Click Add.
  6. Click Save.

Case 2: Command 'ls' can only be executed through sudo

  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Navigate to GO Endpoint Manager➔Policies➔Linux➔Access Policies.
  3. In the upper right corner, click on and choose New rule.
  4. At the Access policy register form, in the Main tab, complete the fields:
    • Policy name: choose an easily identifiable name.
    • Enabled: if you select the option Yes, the policy is considered on target devices.
    • Guideline: select the option Binary Run.
    • Checker (path or executor): fill with exec="/usr/bin/ls"
    • Enable audit?: mark Yes if you want to audit the execution of the registered rules.
    • Include general deny rule?: check this option so that no Linux workstation user can execute something that is not allowed by the access policy.
    • Allow or block: set to Allow.
    • Rule text: add the executor binary: fill with task.exe=”/usr/bin/sudo”.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Click Save.

Case 3: Prevent user “john” from running the df command and allow all other users from the same group

This policy will allow any user but “john” from the "group" to run the "df" command to view information about available space on system partitions.

  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Navigate to GO Endpoint Manager➔Policies➔Linux➔Access Policies.
  3. In the upper right corner, click on and choose New rule.
  4. At the Access policy register form, in the Main tab, complete the fields:
    • Policy name: choose an easily identifiable name.
    • Enabled: if you select the option Yes, the policy is considered on target devices.
    • Guideline: select the option Binary Run.
    • Checker (path or executor): fill with path="/usr/bin/df"
    • Enable audit?: mark Yes if you want to audit the execution of the registered rules.
    • Include general deny rule?: leave this option unchecked to ensure that all Linux workstation users are allowed to run everything except those blocked by the rule.
    • Allow or block: set to Block.
    • Rule text: fill with task.uid=”john”
  5. Click Add.
    • Allow or block: set to Allow.
    • Rule text: fill with task.gid=”group”
  6. Click Add.
  7. Click Save.

Case 4: Prevent user “john” from reading the file and allow all other users in the same group

This policy will allow any user from the "group" but “john”, who’s also part of the group, to read the file.

  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Navigate to GO Endpoint Manager➔Policies➔Linux➔Access Policies.
  3. In the upper right corner, click on and choose New rule.
  4. At the Access policy register form, in the Main tab, complete the fields:
    • Policy name: choose an easily identifiable name.
    • Enabled: if you select the option Yes, the policy is considered on target devices.
    • Guideline: select the option Binary Run.
    • Checker (path or executor): fill with path="/tmp/file"
    • Enable audit?: mark Yes if you want to audit the execution of the registered rules.
    • Include general deny rule?: leave this option unchecked to ensure that all Linux workstation users are allowed to run everything except those blocked by the rule.
    • Allow or block: set to Block.
    • Rule text: fill with task.uid=”john”
  5. Click Add.
    • Allow or block: set to Allow.
    • Rule text: fill with task.gid=”group”
  6. Click Add.
  7. Click Save.

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