How to deploy senhasegura on Google Cloud Platform
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How to deploy senhasegura on Google Cloud Platform

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Article summary

In this article, you’ll learn how to deploy senhasegura on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).


The following firewall ports must be open:

  • 80 (HTTP).
  • 443 (HTTPS).
  • 59022 (SSH).
  • 22 (Proxy SSH).
  • 3389 (Proxy RDP).

How to deploy senhasegura on GCP

To deploy senhasegura on GCP, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a disk image

  1. On GCP, access Cloud Storage > Create Bucket and click Create Bucket. This step isn’t necessary if you already have a Cloud Bucket.
  2. Upload the .tar.gz file in Cloud Storage > Upload File.
  3. Access Compute Engine > Storage > Images and click Create Image.
  4. Enter the Image Name.
  5. Choose Cloud Storage File as the source.
  6. Select the .tar.gz file you uploaded in step 2.
  7. Click Create and wait until the process is completed.
  8. The disk image will be displayed in the Images list.

Step 2: Create a new instance

  1. Access Compute Engine > VM Instances and click Create Instance.
  2. Under Boot Disk, select Custom Image.
  3. Select the image created in Step 1.
  4. Configure VM parameters and policies according to your organization’s needs.

After creation, the VM will be displayed in the Instance listing.

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