Admin panel
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Admin panel

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Article summary

In this document, you’ll find detailed information regarding MySafe’s Admin panel dashboards which enable the administrator to have an overview of MySafe’s users' interactions within the platform.


  • MySafe administrator permission.

Paths to access

The dashboard can be accessed through two different paths:

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select MySafe.
  2. In the side menu, select Admin > Admin panel.

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select Dashboard.
  2. In the side menu, select MySafe > Admin panel.



Cards display consolidated data, while the detailed report presents real-time information. Therefore, there might be slight discrepancies between the quantities shown.

Total usersTotal number of active MySafe users. Clicking on the card will redirect the administrator to the Total users screen, which contains the list that makes up this number.
ExclusiveTotal number of active users who have access to MySafe but not to PAM Core. Clicking on the card will redirect the administrator to the Exclusive screen, which contains the list of users that make up this number.
Users without itemsTotal number of active users with MySafe access, but without any added and active items. Clicking the card redirects the administrator to the Users without items screen, displaying the list comprising this number.
Total itemsTotal number of active Passwords, Notes, Files, and API secrets in MySafe.
GroupsTotal number of private groups in MySafe.
Disk consumptionTotal disk space occupied by files saved in MySafe.


Items by typeDonut chart displaying the quantities of active items grouped by Password, Notes, Files, and API secrets.
Items by created by dayXY chart displaying the number of items created over the past 7 days, categorized by Password, Notes, Files, and API secrets.
Passwords by strengthPie chart displaying the total number of active passwords, grouped by strength level. The strength levels include Poor, Bad, Good, Best, and Undefined.
Note: the Undefined level is used when, while filling out the fields in the Add password section, the Password field is left blank.
SharingXY chart displaying the total number of internal shares, represented by bars, and external shares, represented by lines, for MySafe items.


Most used sitesA list of websites with the most saved credentials in MySafe. Each website displays information such as Domain, Last creation, and Total passwords associated with each website.

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