Users without items
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Users without items

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Article summary

This article contains detailed information about the MySafe screen, which allows you to access a list of active users who have access to MySafe but haven’t added any items yet.

Homepage Icons

Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass icon, it displays or hides the search fields on the screen.
UpdateRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow icon, it refreshes the page.
View actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots icon, it displays a drop-down menu with possible actions for the report.
Print reportRepresented by the printer icon, it opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVRepresented by the paper sheet icon, it downloads the report.
Schedule reportRepresented by the clock icon, it opens the Schedule report form.

Search Fields

IDUser's ID.
NameUser’s name.
UsernameUser's login name.
E-mailUser's registered email.
FilterButton to filter the results according to your chosen preferences.
ClearButton to clear the selected filters.

Report Fields

  • ID.
  • Username.
  • E-mail.
  • Created in: indicates the date when the user was registered.
  • Last login: indicates the date of the user's most recent login to the platform.
  • Action: in this column, you’ll find the following option:
    • Edit: represented by the pencil icon, it opens the User window where you can view and edit the user's registration information.

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