How to install Network Connector
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How to install Network Connector

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Article summary

In this document, you’ll find a step-by-step guide on how to install the Network Connector.

The installation and configuration of the Network Connector is divided into the following steps:

  1. Configuration of Network Connector Server.
  2. Registration of agents in senhasegura PAM.
  3. Obtain the Network Connector Fingerprint.
  4. Install the Network Connector Agent.
  5. Set the version of Network Connector Agent.


  • Root access to the Docker host machine.
  • Docker & Docker Compose (Maintained by the customer).
  • Outbound connectivity to senhasegura instances on port 51445 with WebSocket support.
  • Outbound access to and on port 443 for the agent setup.
  • Hardware Requirements:
    • For 250 simultaneous connections per active SNC:

      • 1 GB memory
      • 1 vCPU
      • 1 Gbps network card
      • At least 40 GB of available storage
    • For 750 simultaneous connections per active SNC:

      • 2 GB memory
      • 2 vCPUs
      • 1 Gbps network card
      • At least 40 GB of available storage
    • For 1,500 simultaneous connections per active SNC:

      • 4 GB memory
      • 4 vCPUs
      • 1 Gbps network card
      • At least 40 GB of available storage

The Server needs to be configured only once. The agent, in turn, must be installed and configured on all networks that senhasegura does not have access to.

1. Configure the Network Connector Server

The configuration of the Network Connector Server is carried out in the senhasegura instances with the command orbit network-connector.


Run the command orbit network-connector --help to know all the options available for this command.

For these commands to have the expected result, you must have administrator access sudo to the senhasegura server and the port TCP/51445 must be released for the agent to communicate with the server.


For cluster installations, it is necessary to configure the Network Connector Server at all nodes. To do this, simply repeat the steps above on each node in the cluster.

Follow the steps below to install and configure the Network Connector Server:

  1. Access each senhasegura instance in the cluster via terminal and run the command sudo orbit network-connector setup.
  2. Enter the key and, to confirm the operation.

The operation may succeed and return a success message:

senhasegura Network Connector Server is ready!

Use this fingerprint in senhasegura Network Connector Agents setup: "FINGERPRINT"

In case you need it, instructions for starting senhasegura Network Connector Agents are available in our help center.

See at

NOTE: If this environment is in cluster mode, run "sudo orbit network-connector setup" on secondary nodes as well

Or unsuccessful and return one of the errors below:

Can't continue setup.

This node is a Secondary in cluster and senhasegura Network Connector Server needs to be initialized in Primary node.

Please run "sudo orbit network-connector setup" in Primary node first.


Whoops! An error was found in application setup.

Check if application database is running and file replication between nodes is working without errors.


Whoops! An error was found!

Unable to determine which fingerprint senhasegura Network Connector Agents needs to connect in this server, try again later.

Whoops! Could not replicate settings to cluster nodes

Check if all cluster nodes are available, file replication is working and try again.

2. Register Network Connector Agents on senhasegura

After activating the Network Connector Server, access the senhasegura web interface and follow the steps below:

  1. In senhasegura, access the Connectors page, using the path Grid menu > Devices > settings > Network Connector > Connectors.
  2. In the Action column, click the Edit icon.
  3. Click on the Agents tab.
  4. Click on the Agents + button.
  5. Add all the agents you want to install by filling the fields Name and Port. The port must be between 30000 and, 30999.
  6. Click the Save button.

3. Get the Network Connector Fingerprint

To install the agents, you must have the fingerprint generated during the configuration process of the Network Connector Server.

To copy the fingerprint, follow the steps below:

  1. In senhasegura, access the Connectors page, using the path Grid menu > Devices > settings > Network Connector > Connectors.
  2. In the Action column, click the option Details.
  3. When the window opens, click on the icon fingerprint.
  4. Select and copy the fingerprint.

4. Install Network Connector Agent

To install the Network Connector Agent It is necessary to have basic knowledge of Docker and Docker Compose.

Furthermore, it’s necessary that the environment where the agent and the Linux server (any distribution) have the Docker Compose Standalone installed and configured. When installing the Docker Compose on the Linux server, use the Linux Standalone binary.


The Network Connector Agent must not be installed on senhasegura instances.

To install the Network Connector Agent, follow the steps below:

  1. On a Linux machine that meets the requirements described above and is on a network to which senhasegura does not have access.
  2. Write the file docker-compose.yaml with agent settings (examples below). Pay attention to the fields:
    • SENHASEGURA_FINGERPRINT: value obtained previously.
    • SENHASEGURA_AGENT_PORT: Set a port between 30000 and 30999 for this agent. Choose one that is not in use.
      • In cases of standalone installation: IP address of the instance. Example:
      • In cases of cluster installation: IP addresses of the senhasegura instances, separated by commas, without spaces. Example:,
    • SENHASEGURA_AGENT_SECONDARY: optional field. Could it be true or false.
  3. Run the command sudo docker-compose up -d.

Example of the docker-compose.yaml file:

   image: ""
   restart: unless-stopped
    - senhasegura-network-connector
   driver: bridge

You can follow the agent execution logs using the command sudo docker-compose logs -f.

5. Set the agent version

You can define the version of the agent to be used by changing the version of the container image. The choice is determined within the docker-compose.yaml file.

If you leave it with the option latest, as in the examples above, you will be using the latest available version of the agent: image: "".

To use the agent in other versions, use image: "".


Try to keep the agent version equivalent to the version of senhasegura used by the agent at the time.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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