How to install the Network Connector agent on Microsoft Azure
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How to install the Network Connector agent on Microsoft Azure

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Article summary

In this document, you will find a step-by-step guide on how to install the Network Connector on Microsoft Azure.

Install the Network Connector agent on Microsoft Azure

  1. Access Azure.
  2. Navigate to Container Instances and click Create.
  3. In the section Basics, make the following settings:
    • In Container name, enter primary/secondary and the agent's door.
    • Under Image source, choose Other registry.
    • Image type: Public.
    • Image:<senhasegura latest version>.
    • OS Type: Linux.
    • Size: 1 vCPU, 1 GB memory, 0 GPUs.
  4. In the section Networking, change the Networking Type for Private and configure the network on which the Network Connector will operate. It is not necessary to define ports in the section Ports.
  5. In the section Advanced, make the following changes:
    • Restart Policy: Always.
    • Configure the environment variables as:
      • SENHASEGURA_FINGERPRINT: Fingerprint as seen on senhasegura. Leave the option Mark as secure in Yes.
      • SENHASEGURA_AGENT_PORT: Port defined in the senhasegura interface.
      • SENHASEGURA_ADDRESSES: IPs of machines running senhasegura.
      • SENHASEGURA_AGENT_SECONDARY: As true or false.
  6. Finalize other settings as per your needs.
  7. Click Review + create.
  8. Click Create to finish the process.

The agent will automatically start and connect to the senhasegura server.

Watch the video of installing the Network Connector agent on Microsoft Azure.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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