Reference for task details
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Reference for task details

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Article summary

Whenever necessary, you can access the details of each request for batch operations awaiting your approval. To access the task details screen for requests, access Grid Menu > Reports > Events > Bulk operations.

Request details

In the list of requests, in the Action column, you can view the details of that request by clicking on Request details, identified by the ID card icon.

RequesterName of the user who made the request.
Bulk operationOperation status. It can bePending, Approved, or Disapproved.
IDIdentification number of the request to be approved.
Requested inDate and time the request was made.
ExpirationThe expiration date for the request.
ApprovalsNumber of approvals of the request.
DisapprovalsNumber of disapprovals of the request.


ApproverName and username of the approver user of the request.
LevelAccess level of the approver user.
ResponseResponse to the request. It can beNot answered, Approved, or Disapproved.
DateDate of reply. If there is no response, this field will be blank.
JustificationJustification for the action. If there is no justification, this field will be blank.

Request details tab


IDApplication registration code on senhasegura.
ActionWhat action was requested.
StatusCurrent status of the request. If the request has already expired, the last status of the request will be shown.
It can be Pending Approved, Expired, or Disapproved.
ChangesDisplays which changes have been requested.

Affected entities section

Since bulk operations can be performed on various senhasegura artifacts, it's worth noting that you can have different ways of presenting the information.

For example, when secrets come from a bulk operation in the DevOps Secret Manager (DSM), there will be no Affected Entities section. Therefore, the fields for Credentials and Devices are shown below.

Affected entities - Devices

IDCode of the affected entity. In case, the device.
Device nameName of the affected device.
ManagementIP address or hostname of the device.
TypeType of device.
VendorManufacturer of the affected device
ProductModel of the affected device.

Affected entities - Credentials

IDCode of the affected entity. In case, the credential.
UsernameUser name of the affected credential.
TypeType of credential.
DomainDomain of the credential
DeviceDevice to which the credential is linked.

For more information on a device's registration fields, access the Reference documentation for devices.

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