How to integrate with JumpCloud
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How to integrate with JumpCloud

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Article summary

This tutorial provides a guide on how to integrate senhasegura with JumpCloud, using SAML as the authentication protocol. The configuration of the integration occurs in parallel, alternating the inclusion of information from one environment to the other, until completion.


Step 1: Create the application in JumpCloud

  1. On the left sidebar of JumpCloud, locate the User Authentication section.
  2. Select SSO.
  3. Click Add New Application.
  4. In the search field, look for SAML.
  5. In Custom SAML App, click configure.

In the General Info tab

  1. Fill in the Display Label field with the name of your application.

In the SSO tab

Add the information:

  1. IdP Entity ID: unique identifier.
  3. ACS URLs: https://sua_url/flow/saml/auth/assert
  4. SAMLSubject NameID: select the information that users will use to log in.
  5. SAMLSubject NameID Format: select one of the SAML 2.0 options corresponding to the previous field.
  6. Signature Algorithm: select RSA-SHA256.
  7. Default RelayState: leave it blank.
  8. Login URL: https://sua_url/flow/saml/auth/assert
  9. IDP URL: replace the default name with another identification.

In the User Groups tab

  1. Select the group that will access the application and click activate.
  2. A confirmation message of the new SSO connection will appear.
  3. Click continue to complete the process.

If successful, the application appears on the Configured Applications page.


Click on the certificate download link in the blue pop-up message at the upper-right corner. You’ll need this information later.


Keep JumpCloud open for the next configurations.

Step 2: Enable the SAML provider in senhasegura

  1. In the top-left corner of the senhasegura platform, click Grid Menu ⁝⁝⁝, indicated by the box of nine squares, and select Settings.
  2. Select Authentication ➔ Providers.
  3. In the list of providers, locate the SAML option.
  4. In the Enabled column, make sure the option is enabled.
    4.1 If necessary, click Enable, the icon represented by a checkmark (✓).

Step 3: Create a SAML provider in senhasegura

  1. In the top-left corner of the senhasegura platform, click Grid Menu ⁝⁝⁝, indicated by the box of nine squares, and select Settings.
  2. Select Settings ➔ Authentication ➔ SAML ➔ Providers.
  3. In the top-right corner, click View actions, the icon represented by three vertical dots (⁝).
  4. Select New provider.

In the Main information tab

Add the information:

  1. Type: select SAML provider.
  2. Enable: keep it as Yes.
  3. Entity ID: fill in with the same name entered in the Display Label field.
  4. SAML provider metadata URL: fill in with the URL.
    4.1 Find this information in the JumpCloud SSO tab. Click on the Copy Metadata URL button.
  5. Domain or public IP for URL Redirection: fill in with the URL of senhasegura or the domain.
  6. Redirect URL: automatic fill-in.
  7. SSO Logout URL (Sign-out URL): fill in with the URL.
    7.1 Find this information in the JumpCloud SSO tab. Copy the information from the IDP URL field.
  8. Redirect binding type: select POST.

In the Security SAML tab

Add the information:

  1. Download the provider's certificate and copy its content.
  2. Certificate (PEM format): paste the certificate content.

    If you haven't saved the certificate information, go to the left sidebar menu of the application you created, click IDP Certificate Valid, and then select Download certificate.

  3. Click Save.

The system displays a success message, and the provider appears listed on the home page.

Step 4: Access senhasegura via JumpCloud

  1. On the home page of the senhasegura platform, click Sign in with SSO.
  2. Click SAML Provider. You’ll be redirected to the JumpCloud authentication screen to enter your credentials.
  3. After authentication, click on the senhasegura application to access the vault.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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