How to manage passwords in MySafe through the senhasegura mobile app
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How to manage passwords in MySafe through the senhasegura mobile app

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Article summary

This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to add, view, copy, and edit a password’s information in MySafe using the senhasegura mobile app.


  • The senhasegura mobile app connected to your account and enabled on your mobile device. Access the First steps document for more information.

Path to access

  1. On thesenhasegura mobile app, click Products and select MySafe.
  2. On the top bar, click the three vertical bars icon and select Passwords.

Add a password

To add a password in MySafe through the senhasegura mobile app, follow the steps below:

  1. In the bottom right corner of the Passwords screen, click the plus icon.

  2. On the Add new password screen, fill in the information:

    1. Name*: enter a name to identify the password.
    2. URL*: enter the website URL where the password will be used.
    3. Username*: enter the credential username.
    4. Password*: enter the password.
    5. Secret key (TOTP): if your account is configured to use multi-factor authentication, enter the secret key used to generate the TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password).
    • To ensure the feature works correctly, please make sure your device's clock is synchronized with the correct time. Time deviations may affect the generation and validation of the TOTP.

    • The secret must contain at least 10 characters and be base32 encoded, that is, it must include only capital letters from A to Z, numbers from 2 to 7, and the character =.
    1. Tags: enter keywords associated with the password.
    2. Notes: enter observations about the password.

The items with an asterisk are mandatory.

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Add new password screen, click the check icon to save the password.

To cancel the action, click the x icon in the upper-left corner of the screen.

Once finished, you’ll be directed to the Passwords screen, where you can view all the added passwords listed by name.

View and/or copy a credential’s information

In this section, you’ll find detailed information on how to view and/or copy a credential’s information, such as its password, username, and TOTP.


  • A password saved in MySafe. For more information on how to add a password in MySafe through the senhasegura mobile app, refer to the section Add a password in this document.

To view and/or copy a password in MySafe through the senhasegura mobile app, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Passwords screen, locate the password you want to view and click on its name.

  2. An expanded card will display other information about the password, such as its URL, TOTP,, Tags and Notes, as well as the View password and Copy username buttons.

  3. To view and/or copy the password:

    1. Click View password.
    2. At the bottom of the screen, you’ll view a card with the password’s name, a copy button, represented by the two sheets of paper icon, and the view button, represented by the eye icon.
    3. Click the eye icon to view the password.
    4. Click the two sheets of paper to copy the password to your clipboard.

    You can also copy the password from the card’s compact card version by clicking the two sheets of paper icon.

    The message “Password copied” at the bottom of the screen confirms the action.

  1. To copy the username:
    1. Click Copy username.

      The message “Username copied” at the bottom of the screen confirms the action.

  2. To copy the TOTP:
    1. Click Copy TOTP.
      The message “TOTP copied” at the bottom of the screen confirms the action.

This button is only available if you have provided a valid secret key when adding a password to MySafe.

  1. Click outside the card to close it.

When you copy information, it is added to your clipboard, making it accessible to other applications on your device.

Edit a password


  • A password saved in MySafe. For more information on how to add a password in MySafe using the senhasegura mobile app, refer to the section Add a password in this document.

To edit a password saved in MySafe through the senhasegura mobile app, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Passwords screen, locate the password you want to edit.

  2. On the right of the password’s name and next to the copy button, click the paper and pencil icon.

  3. On the Edit password screen, make the necessary changes.

  4. In the upper-right corner of the Edit password screen, click the check icon to save the changes.

To cancel the changes made, click the x icon in the upper-left corner of the screen.

The message “Edited password” at the bottom of the screen confirms the action.

Once finished, you’ll be directed to the Passwords screen, where you can view all the passwords listed by name.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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