Access groups
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Access groups

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Article summary

In this document, you'll find all the information about the Access groups and Access group registration screens of the Task Manager module.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and then select Task Manager.
  2. In the side menu, select Settings > Access groups.

This section contains detailed information regarding the Access groups screen, which displays a list of all the access groups registered in Task Manager.

Top bar

Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass icon, it displays or hides the search fields on the screen.
UpdateRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow icon, it refreshes the page.
View actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots icon, it displays a drop-down menu with possible actions for the report.
NewRepresented by a plus icon, it opens the Access group registration screen.
Print reportRepresented by the printer icon, it opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVRepresented by the paper sheet icon, it downloads the report.
Schedule reportRepresented by the clock icon, it opens the Schedule report screen.

Search fields

NameField that filters access groups by their registered name.
Part of passwordField that filters access groups by their access to the password. Available options are First part, Second password, and Complete password. Clear the filter to enable the All option.
ViewField that filters access groups by their permission to view the password. Available options are Yes and No. Clear the filter to enable the All option.
Approval for viewingField that filters access groups by the type of approval for viewing. Available options are Require approval and No approval required. Available options are Yes and No. Clear the filter to enable the All option.
SessionField that filters access groups by the presence of restrictions to access the session. Available options are Yes and No. Clear the filter to enable the All option.
Approval for sessionField that filters access groups by the need for approval to access the session. Available options are Require approval and No approval required. Available options are Yes and No. Clear the filter to enable the All option.
Change expirationField that filters access groups by their permission to change the expiration date of a request. Available options are Yes and No. Clear the filter to enable the All option.
EnabledField that filters access groups by their activation status. Available options are Yes and No. Clear the filter to enable the All option.

The Part of password, View, Approval for viewing, Session, Approval for session, and Change expiration search fields will be removed in future versions.

Report fields

  • ID: access group’s identifier code.
  • Name.
  • Part of password.
  • Permission: type of permission granted to the access group. This field will always return the value Run script.
  • Approval: if the option Requires approval to run task is marked, the action Run script will require approval, and therefore, the column Approval will return the value Run script. Otherwise, the column will be empty.
  • Justification: if the option Requires reason to run task is marked, the action Run script will require a justification, and therefore, the column Justification will return the value Run script. Otherwise, the column will be empty.
  • Change Expiration.
  • Type: access group type. In this report, this column will always return the value Task Manager.
  • Criteria: the environments and systems associated with the access group.
  • Enabled.
  • Action: in this column, you’ll find the following options:
    • Edit: represented by the paper and pencil icon, it opens the Access group registration screen, where you can edit the configurations of the access group selected.
    • Three vertical dots icon: opens a drop-down menu with the Clone option which enables the generation of a copy of the cloned access group.

The report displays 30 records per page. To go to the next screen, click the forward button at the end of the report.

Access group registration screen

This section contains detailed information regarding the Access group registration screen, which enables the creation and editing of an access group in Task Manager.

Form fields

Access group name*Field for entering a human-readable name for the access group.
Enabled*Field for selecting the activation status of the access group. Available options are Yes and No.
DescriptionField for entering a description for the access group.

Settings tab

This tab enables the configuration of the actions allowed by this access group and the access controls that must be respected in task management.

Execution settings

Requires reason to run taskCheckbox to define whether users in the access group should provide a justification when requesting task execution.
Requires approval to run taskCheckbox to determine if task execution requests should undergo an approval workflow.
Approvals required to runField for setting the number of approvals required for a task execution request. Use the up and down arrows, or enter the number manually. Note: this field is only enabled when the Requires approval to run task field is checked.
Disapprovals required to cancelField for setting the minimum number of rejections required to prevent the execution of a task. Use the up and down arrows, or enter the number manually. Note: this field is only enabled when the Requires approval to run task field is checked.
Approval in levelsCheckbox to define whether task execution requests should undergo a multi-level approval workflow.

Result files


This section will be removed in future versions.

This section enables the configuration of actions related to files resulting from task execution.

Users can download the task resulting filesCheckbox to define whether users in the access group can download files resulting from the task.
Users must provide a reason to download files resulting by the taskCheckbox to define whether users should provide a reason for downloading files resulting from the task.

Access request settings
This section enables the configuration of prerequisites for requesting task execution.

Governance ID required when justifying?*Checkboxes to determine whether users in the access group should enter a governance code when justifying the request for task execution. Available options are Yes and No.
Always add user manager to approvers?*Checkboxes to determine whether the user responsible for the user's department should be automatically consulted as an additional approver for this group. This means that this user will be alerted along with the other selected approvers in the Approvers tab. Available options are Yes and No.

The Always add user manager to approvers?* field will be removed in future versions.

Criteria tab

This tab enables the configuration of criteria that determine which tasks will be associated with this access group. The fields Device, Environments, and Systems, described below, are used as filters to grant access to tasks that have the information registered in these fields.

Device (comma separated)Field for entering devices, separated by commas, where the task will be executed.
Environments*List with all environments registered in Task Manager. Use the All checkbox to select all environments, or check the checkboxes of the environments you want to select.
Systems*List with all systems registered in Task Manager. Use the All checkbox to select all environments, or check the checkboxes of the systems you want to select.

Users tab

This tab enables the addition of users who will be part of the access group and will therefore be able to request task executions using the data registered in the group.

Users +Represented by the plus icon, it opens the System users screen, where you can search for and select the users to be added to the access group.
Users listList with all users selected to be added to the access group. The list has the following columns: trash can icon to remove the selected user, Name, Username, E-mail, Creation type, Department, Added by, and Added on.

Approvers tab

This tab enables the addition of users who will be responsible for approving requests in this access group, also specifying their approval levels.

Approvers +Represented by the plus icon, it opens the Approvers screen, where you can search for and select the users who will be the approvers of the requests associated with this access group.
Users listList with all users selected to be added as approvers to the access group. The list displays the following columns: trash can icon to remove the selected approver, Name, Username, E-mail, Creation type, Department, Added by, Added on, and Level, where you can select the level from 1 to 3, at which the approver will act.

The items with an asterisk are mandatory.

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