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Article Summary

Duo Security

The Client Secret is invalid

Error: Duo config error. Ask an admin to verify the Duo configuration. The following error is: The Client Secret is invalid

Solution: Verify if the Duo Client ID and Client Secret values are correct.

Two-factor token configuration white screen

Error: After Duo authentication, you are redirected to a page with the title 'Two-factor token configuration' without any content

Solution: Ensure you have enabled the Authentication with Duo

Duo: Invalid redirect URI

Error: "error": "invalid_grant", "error_description": "Invalid redirect URI ''."

Solution: Allow network connection between Duo and the senhasegura server

The provided authorization grant or refresh token is invalid

Error: Duo config error. Ask an admin to verify Duo configuration. The following error is: *** invalid_grant: The provided authorization grant (e.g., authorization code) or refresh token is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client.

Solution: Start the process again. The refresh token has expired.

Problem with QR code generation during multi-factor authentication (MFA) activation in senhasegura

In this article, you’ll find a guide on how to resolve the potential issue with multi-factor authentication (MFA) activation.


A problem has been identified that affected the generation of the QR code image during the multi-factor authentication (MFA) activation process in senhasegura.

Specific solutions for versions:

Versions 3.29 and 3.30:

To resolve this issue, installing a specific patch for versions 3.29 and 3.30 is necessary. Ensure that the orbini-fwk-libs package is at version 3.29.1-9 or higher. Please contact the support team for an update.

Versions 3.28 and earlier:

In versions 3.28 and earlier, the failure to generate images may be due to instabilities in the Google API. We recommend upgrading to a version later than 3.28 to resolve this issue. For possible alternative solutions, please contact the support team.

In all versions of senhasegura, even if the QR code image isn’t generated, the code/token will always be displayed in text format. This ensures that users can proceed with the operation smoothly, regardless of the status of image generation.

To learn more about this topic, see the topics created on Multi-factor authentication (MFA).

If you have any questions, please leave your questions in the senhasegura Community.

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