Disable protected information
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Disable protected information

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Article summary

This article presents how to disable protected information from PAM Core via API, the available endpoint, the parameters needed, example requests, and responses on success or in case of errors.


DELETE Disable protected information


To disable privilege information registered from PAM Core, send a request to the following endpoint:


Request parameters


idStringYesProtected information item ’s unique identification code. This value is automatically assigned by senhasegura when creating a protected item.1


Disables the protected information item registered in PAM Core based on its id and provides a message with information about the disabling process.

Expected response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "response": {
        "status": 200,
        "mensagem": "Information successfully disabled",
        "erro": false,
        "message": "Information successfully disabled",
        "error": false

In case of error - information not found

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

   "response": {
       "status": 400,
       "mensagem": "1023: Information not found",
       "erro": true,
       "message": "1023: Information not found",
       "error": true
   "exception": {
       "code": 1023,
       "message": "1023: Information not found",
       "detail": null

In case of error - inactive information

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

   "response": {
       "status": 400,
       "mensagem": "1024: Inactive information",
       "erro": true,
       "message": "1024: Inactive information",
       "error": true
   "exception": {
       "code": 1024,
       "message": "1024: Inactive information",
       "detail": null

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