Notification Options
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Notification Options

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Article summary


To configure notifications, access: Register transaction notification submission

Access control

Notifications from workflow process. Every product/module that has workflow process can send this kind of message.

  • Created request: A new approval request has been made by a user. Approvers will receive an email with details;
  • Request approved: Some approver user has accepted the request;
  • Request Disapproved: Some approver user has rejected the request;
  • Request revoked: Some user of type approver revoked the order and the user who requested it will receive a notification with the reason for the revocation;
  • Approver management: A user has been registered as an approver;

Audit trail

Changes at major entities records.

  • Audit trail: When a major entity is created, updated, or inactivated, a detailed log is registered and can also be notified;


Messages from authentication process.

  • Authentication messages: When a user is authenticated or some authentication process fails;
  • MFA will be ignored for this user: When using MFA is disabled;
  • MFA won't be ignored for this user: When using MFA is enabled;


Messages from Certificate Manager module.

  • Certificate bond with device: When a certificate is configured into a device;

  • Certificate creation: When a certificate is created. Can be triggered by automatically issue or manual import;

  • Certificate expiration alert: Today: Some certificates will be expired today;

  • Certificate expiration alert: 1 day: Some certificates will be expired on 1 day;

  • Certificate expiration alert: 7 days: Some certificates will be expired on 7 days;

  • Certificate expiration alert: 30 days: Some certificates will be expired on 30 days;

  • Certificate expiration warning: 15 days: Some certificates will be expired on 15 days;

  • Certificate expiration warning: 60 days: Some certificates will be expired on 60 days;

  • Certificate expiration warning: 90 days: Some certificates will be expired on 90 days;

  • Certificate password view: Some user has viewed the certificate password on plain-text;

  • Certificate renewal: A certificate has been renewed at targets devices;

  • Certificate revocation: A certificate has been revoked at targets devices;

  • Download: Some user has downloaded a certificate from senhasegura . This certificate can be a valid and published one, an old one or even a unused certificate;

  • Publish profile management: A publish profile configuration has been created or changed;

  • Request management: A certificate request CSR has been created or changed;

  • Request password view: A certificate request CSR password has been viewed;


  • IAM session without owner: When a session in a cloud account has no owner

  • IAM key view without owner: When an IAM key preview occurs in a cloud account that has no owner

Command audit

SSH Proxy session audited command execution.

  • Command detected - Allow: Some user has executed an audited command;
  • Command detected - Block: Some user has tried to execute an audited command configured to be blocked;
  • Command detected - Block and interrupt a session: Some user has tried to execute an audited command configured to be blocked. His session was immediately interrupted;
  • Command detected - High Criticality: Some user has tried to execute an audited command configured with high score;
  • Command detected - Medium Criticality: Some user has tried to execute an audited command configured with medium score;
  • Command detected - Low Criticality: Some user has tried to execute an audited command configured with low score;


PAM Credentials operations.

  • Credential Owner configuration: Some credential has been created or changed to has a dedicated owner;

  • Password changed: Some credential has it password changed manually or by Execution module template;

  • Password daily summary: A report with credentials operations summary;

  • Password Expired: A report with credentials with expired password;

  • Password Viewed: A report with credentials that has been requested by users to see its plain-text passwords;

  • Password confirmed: A report with credentials with passwords confirmed;

  • Invalid password: A report with credentials with invalid passwords;


PAM Devices monitoring.

  • Lost of connectivity: Devices that lost connectivity over the configured ports;

  • Connectivity restored: Devices that recovery connectivity after been flagged as connectivity lost;


  • New location: Some user made Domum login from a new geoip location;

  • Unexpected location: Some user tried to access Domum from an unauthorized geoip location;

  • Panic Button: When the panic button was pressed

  • Domum health check: Status on the health of access to Domum

Emergency panel

  • Terminate sessions: When the emergency button has been pressed

  • Lockdown started: When Lockdown was started on the system

  • Lockdown finished: When Lockdown was finished in the system

  • Freezing started: When Freezing was started on the system

  • Freezing finished: When Freezing was started on the system

Master key

  • Failed recovery attempt: When the user tries to recover the backup and an error occurs

  • Successful recovery attempt: When the user successfully recovered the backup


Server instance resources monitoring.

  • CPU Usage - Critical: CPU is running over 90% usage over 10 minutes;

  • CPU Usage - High: CPU is running over 70% usage over 10 minutes;

  • Daily report of change of passwords: A report with credentials operations summary;

  • Low disk space - High criticality: Storage is running under 10% of free space;

  • Low disk space - Low criticality: Storage is running under 30% of free space;

  • Low disk space - Medium criticality: Storage is running under 20% of free space;

  • Memory Usage - Critical: RAM is running over 90% usage over 10 minutes;

  • Memory Usage - High: RAM is running over 70% usage over 10 minutes;

  • Space disk - Daily notification: Storage usage daily report;

  • User downloaded the PDF with system dashboard: Some user has downloaded a dashboard as PDF. This alert exists to make clear that some data has exported by some user;

Password backup

Backup procedures.

  • Backup performed: A privileged information backup has been made using the master key. This backup execution can be executed automatically by system schedule, or manually by user request.

  • Error on backup: An error occurred during a privileged information backup;

Password operation

PAM credentials operations running by Execution module.

  • Activation executed: A credential has been activated into target device by Execution module;

  • Change Executed: A credential has taken its password changed into target device by Execution module;

  • Error on activation: An error occurred when tried to activate into target device by Execution module;

  • Error on change: An error occurred when tried to change password into target device by Execution module;

Protected information

PAM Protected information operations.

  • Information changed: Some protected information has been changed;

  • Information expired: Some protected information has expired;

  • Information viewed: Some user requested protected information data. This user had access to its password, file or content;

Remote session

senhasegura Proxy operations.

  • Generate video for download: Some user requested MP4 video generate;

  • Indexed text session: senhasegura finished to index a proxy session texts;

  • Session file modified: A session had its audit source file changed;

  • Session started: A proxy session is started;

  • Session terminated: A proxy session is finished;

  • Video scheduled for download: The requested video generate has finished;

  • High Risk Session: It was identified a high-risk session;

Schedule reports

  • Report scheduling - Creation: When a report schedule was created

  • Report scheduling - Update: When a report schedule has been updated

  • Report scheduling - Deletion: When a report schedule has been deleted

User behavior

Unusual behaviors detected by User behavior module.

  • Access unusual credential: Some user is requesting a plain text view of an unusual credential for them;

  • Access unusual origin: A proxy session started by some user from an unusual origin for that user or credential;

  • Access unusual target

  • Access with unusual average length: A proxy session with a unusual duration time for that user or credential;

  • Accesses at unusual time: A proxy session with a unusual starting time for that user or credential;

  • Unusual password change

  • View unusual credential: Some user is requesting plain-text view of an unusual credential for him;

  • View unusual origin: Some user is requesting plain-text view of an unusual origin IP;


senhasegura.go for Windows or Linux.

  • Alert: System alert messages related to errors;

  • Application completed: An impersoned application execution has ended;

  • Application started: An impersoned application execution started;

  • Application malware analysis:

  • Control panel: An impersoned control panel applet has been accessed;

  • Copy password: A credential password has been copied;

  • Credential use for network access: A credential has been used to access a network sharing;

  • Directory and file scan - Change: The directory and file scan changed some permission policies based on backoffice configuration;

  • Directory and file scan - Exclusion: The directory and file scan removed some permission policies based on backoffice configuration;

  • Directory and file scan - Inclusion: The directory and file scan added some permission policies based on backoffice configuration;

  • Download of senhasegura.go version performed: The senhasegura.go client has downloaded a new version from backoffice;

  • Error retrieving credentials: An error occurred when the senhasegura.go client tried to request the user credential list;

  • Go offline: The user requested to start senhasegura.go offline mode;

  • Go online: The user requested to stop senhasegura.go offline mode;

  • Macro: A macro was executed by some user;

  • Network Adapter: A network adapter settings applet was accessed by some user;

  • Network share: A network share path has been registered by some user;

  • New senhasegura.go version: A new senhasegura.go version is available at senhasegura backoffice;

  • Runas: An impersoned application execution started from Windows context menu;

  • senhasegura.go version approved: The MSI installer has been approved by administrator to be installed automatically from senhasegura.go client;

  • senhasegura.go version disabled: The MSI installer has been rejected by administrator to be installed automatically from senhasegura.go client;

  • senhasegura.go version installed: Some workstation has installed the new version and reported to backoffice;

  • Uninstall: The user uninstalled some application using senhasegura.go elevation;

  • Untrusted DLL execution attempt: The user tried to execute an application that has a DLL considered as untrusted;

  • User: The workstation local user has been approved to use senhasegura.go ;

  • Using UAC: The user used senhasegura.go to authenticate Windows UAC prompt;

  • View password: The user viewed the credential password as plain-text;

  • Workstation approved: The workstation has been approved to use senhasegura.go ;

  • Workstation registration: The workstation requested authorization to use senhasegura.go ;

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