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Article summary

This article describes the fields in the Requisition form.


Path to access: Certificate Manager > Certificates > Requests > View actions > New.

General tab

Certificate typeDV SSL - domain verification, and validation. OV SSL - name, documentation, and address verification. EV SSL - comprehensive verification and validation of domain, name, registration, address, and current operations.
Domain typeSingle domain - issued to protect a single domain. Multiple domains - issued to protect multiple domains under a single certificate. Wildcard - issued to protect a primary domain and all its unlimited subdomains.
OrganizationThe organization from the Certificate Manager settings.
Common nameThe domain/entity you want to protect with the certificate.
Expiration (in days)The period of validity for the certificate.
Generate random certificates with this CNIt enables the generation of multiple random certificates with the CN.
Certificate quantityDefinition of how many certificates will be generated from the CN. The maximum number of certificates is 500.
SAN (Subject Alternative Name)The SAN extension allows the inclusion of multiple alternative names (domains, subdomains, IP addresses, email identifiers) in a single digital certificate.
TagsIdentification markers.
Encryption algorithmThe choice between RSA or DSA depends on the security needs and standards adopted by the company.
Encryption key sizeThe number of bits in the key used by a particular cryptographic algorithm: 1024 bits, 2048 bits, or 4096 bits.
Certificate signing algorithmThe cryptographic algorithms used to digitally sign digital certificates: SHA-256, SHA-384, or SHA-512.
Store passwordThis password restricts certificate viewing only to users with the password. Passwords can have up to 72 characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and the symbols ! % @ # ^ * _
Revocation passwordThis password restricts certificate revocation only to users who have the password. Passwords can have up to 72 characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and the symbols ! % @ # ^ * _
Generate a passwordThis button generates an instant password for the user.

Additional settings tab

The information included in this tab doesn't impact the Certification Authority (CA) but assists in identifying the certificate within senhasegura.

ProjectThe name of the certificate project.
External IPThe external IP of the certificate.
IP or hostnameThe IP or hostname of the certificate.
ReasonA justification for creating the request (up to 1024 characters).
DescriptionA description of the request (up to 512 characters).
Enable signature detailed logIf checked, it will generate a detailed log. It only works for Microsoft's CA.
Self-signed?If checked Yes, it will pre-set a default signature for the certificate. Only mark 'yes' if you know and trust the device that will sign the certificate.
Choose CAIt will pre-set the Certification Authority that will sign the certificate.
Responsible for requestThe accountable user for the request. It must be a registered user in senhasegura.

Environment tab

EnvironmentThe environments where the certificate will be applied.

System tab

SystemThe systems where the certificate will be applied.

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