How to configure the Active Directory authentication
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How to configure the Active Directory authentication

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Article summary

Learn how to configure Active Directory authentication by following the steps described in this article.



For security reasons, Active Directory LDAP is set as the default authentication provider. There’s no fallback for users setting local authentication.

Configure authentication via Active Directory

To configure authentication in senhasegura via Active Directory, follow these steps:

  1. In the top-left corner, click Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares icon, and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Authentication > Active Directory > Servers.
  3. In the top-right corner, click the View actions icon, represented by the three vertical dots.
  4. Select New.
  5. Fill out the LDAP Server form.
    5.1 Host: enter the hostname or IP address of the AD server.
    5.2 Port: enter the LDAP communication port number.
    5.3 Enabled: keep it as Yes.
    5.4 Credential for authentication: select the credential that will be used for user authentication on the server and user synchronization between servers.
    5.5 DN Base: enter the base to be used for LDAP queries.
    5.6 Account form: select the format for the queries.
    5.7 Account domain: enter the domain name of the LDAP server account.
    5.8 Account domain (Short name): enter the abbreviation of the LDAP server account domain name.
    5.9 Order: set the server's priority. The lower the number, the higher the priority of the server.
    5.10 Use SSL?: indicate whether the authentication will use an SSL connection or not. If using an SSL connection, make sure to add the correct port.
    5.11 Member is DN?: indicate whether the object is a DN or not.
    5.12 Bind requires DN?: indicate whether the authentication will require the Bind-DN to authenticate and connect to the server.
  6. Click Save.

The LDAP/AD Servers home page lists the server.

You can make edits to the registered information. To do so, locate the server in question and click Edit, identified by a pencil and paper icon, to make the necessary changes.


It's possible to register multiple Active Directory servers in senhasegura, assigning them a priority order. senhasegura uses this order to authenticate users, attempting to log in first to the highest-priority server. If the first authentication attempt fails, the system moves on to the next server in the list and so on. If login fails on all registered AD servers, the user receives a notification stating that senhasegura was unable to authenticate their access.

Test authentication


Ensure that the LDAP provider is enabled in Settings > Authentication > Providers. This action is necessary to perform the authentication test that follows.

  1. In the Action column, locate the saved server and click View actions of the corresponding server.
  2. Select Test authentication.
  3. Fill out the LDAP Authentication Test form with the following information: Base DN, User, and Password.
  4. Click Authenticate.

If successful, an authentication message will be displayed on the screen, indicating that the server is ready for use.

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