Batch access for internal users
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Batch access for internal users

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Article summary

You can use the batch access feature to avoid repeatedly selecting the same credentials when granting access.

  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Go to Domum Remote Access➔Settings➔Internal users➔Groups.
  3.  Find the group you intend to grant access to by using batch import.
  4. In the right column, click the actions menu (⁝).
  5. Select Batch access request.
  6. On the Settings tab, complete the information.
    • Internal users group. The group is already populated automatically.
    • Under Request details, complete the information.
    • Justification. Information from this field will appear in the user's login details.
    • Reason. Select a previously registered reason for granting access.
    • Governance code
  7. Save.
  8. Under the Access permission period, complete the information.
    • Start. Indicate the date and time when the access will start to be valid.
    • Duration. Indicate a value and duration metric (minutes, hours, days, or months) for the access.
    • You can customize the permission times by clicking Custom and choosing preferred start and end times.
      • In Custom, note that the times are predefined, with 15 min intervals between them.
  9. Save.

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