Batch register of third parties
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Batch register of third parties

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Article summary

You can use batch import to facilitate the registration of third-party users.


Third-party users already registered will not be updated.

Register third parties with the batch import

  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Go to Domum Remote Access➔Settings➔Batch import third-party.
  3. In the upper-right corner, click the (⁝) View Actions icon.
  4. Select + Import.
  5. Click the Template File footer option to download the template file in the Batch import third-party registration window.
  6. Complete the Template File with the information:
    • Vendor: Name of the company responsible for the user to be added. Remember that this vendor must be already registered in the senhasegura.
    • Name: Identification of the third-party user to be added;
    • Email: Email address of the third-party user to which the access link will be sent;
    • Phone: Telephone number of the third-party user where the SMS with the access token can be sent.
    • Document: Identification document of the third-party user;
    • Enabled: Indicates whether it will already be active when the user is added to the senhasegura.
  7. Save the file.
  8. In the Batch import third-party registration window, click the Choose File button.
  9. Select the template file.
  10. Click Import Data.
  11. Wait for the system to load the import.
  12. After batch import, refresh the page.
  13. You can track the import process, status, and time, in the third-party batch import report.

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