Internal user group batch access request window
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Internal user group batch access request window

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Article summary

This article describes the fields in the Batch access request window for internal users of Domum Remote Access. For more details, access the documentation on how to request batch access for internal users.


Paths to access:

  • Domum Remote Access > Settings > Internal users > Groups > [Name of the internal user group] > Action column > Three vertical dots icon > Batch request access (represented by a computer icon)

Settings tab

The tab displays the following fields:

Internal users groups*This field is automatically filled in with the name of the group previously selected.
Justification*Mandatory field. It displays a space for inserting a free text with a justification for the access request.
Reason*Mandatory field. It displays a drop-down menu with registered options for access reasons.
Governance codeOptional field. It displays a space for entering a governance code, if applicable.

Access limitation tab

The tab displays the following fields:

Access permission periodSection for specifying the start and end of the access.
SaveButton to save the defined settings and request access.

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