Internal users - Groups home screen
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Internal users - Groups home screen

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Article summary

This article provides descriptions of the information available in the Domum Remote Access internal user groups report.


Paths to access:

  • Domum Remote Access > Settings > Internal users > Groups
  • Domum Remote Access > Dashboards > Monitoring center > Internal users groups card


In the upper right corner, you have the following icons:

Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass icon, it displays or hides the search fields on the screen.
UpdateRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow icon, it refreshes the page.
View actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots icon, it displays a dropdown menu with possible actions for reports.
NewRepresented by the plus icon, it opens a pop-up window for creating a new internal user group.
Print ReportRepresented by the printer icon, it opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVRepresented by the paper sheet icon, it downloads the report.
Schedule reportRepresented by the clock icon, it opens the Schedule report

Search fields

IDIdentification code in the report.
GroupVendor’s name.
Restricted locationsFilters the group by the presence of any location-based access restrictions. The available options are Yes and No. If you click Clear, it displays the All option.
StatusGroup status. It displays a dropdown menu with the options Enabled and Disabled.
FilterButton to filter the results according to your chosen preferences.
ClearButton to clear the filters filled in.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • Group: the name of the internal users group.
  • Locations: locations (country and region) in which access can be performed.
  • Restricted locations.
  • Status.
  • Action: in this column, you’ll find the following options:
    • Edit: represented by the paper and pencil icon, it opens the Update internal users group form so you can edit the group’s information.
    • Three vertical dots: it opens a dropdown menu with the options:
      • Batch access request: represented by a computer icon, it opens a pop-up window that enables batch access request for group users.
      • Disable: represented by a trash can icon, it deactivates the registered internal user group.
      • Dashboard: represented by a chart icon, it directs you to the Dashboard screen of the selected group.

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