User preferences
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User preferences

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Article summary

This document contains information about the User preferences screen on the Cloud Security platform. This is where you can view and modify account data, login options, as well as personal and layout preferences.


To find out how to edit your profile, access the How to edit your profile document.

Path to access

  1. Click the User menu icon on the top right corner of the screen.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select User preferences to open a new page.

Profile picture

Your profile picture is retrieved from the Gravatar database. You can modify it by clicking on the camera icon on your avatar and signing into Gravatar with your Cloud Security account email.

My profile

In this section, you can see and modify data related to your identification within the platform.

First nameThe first name of the account user.
Last nameThe surname of the account user.
Phone numberThe phone number of the account user, in full international format.

Login options

In this section, you can see your account’s email and change your password.

EmailThe email used to log in to the platform. Cannot be modified.
PasswordThe password used to log in to the platform.

Personal settings

This section contains the platform's language and appearance settings.

LanguageThe platform’s display language. Does not affect audit reports. Available options: Portuguese, English.
Change themeSwitch platform appearance between light and dark mode.

Layout preferences

This section contains layout preferences for the Cloud Security platform.

Click the Save Preferences button to apply any changes. The changes will take effect once you reload the page or access a new page.

Display the select language option in the toolbarAllows you to change Cloud Security's language directly from the top toolbar.
Display navigation shortcuts in the toolbarAllows shortcuts to appear in the toolbar.
Display email below my usernameShows the email under the User menu icon in the toolbar.

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