DevOps Secret Manager
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DevOps Secret Manager

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Article summary

senhasegura DevOps Secret Management (DSM) simplifies the management of applications and secrets in your DevOps environment. It ensures centralized control of secrets and application life cycles, streamlines privileged data retrieval, and enhances security.

DSM Overview

  • Robust access control: allows you to define granular access policies for applications and secrets, guaranteeing the principle of least privilege.
  • Flexible storage of secrets: DSM supports storing various types of secrets, including credentials, SSH keys, and generic key/value pairs.
  • Seamless integration: the development team can easily integrate via APIs and plugins from different containerization platforms.
  • Automation: DSM allows you to automate the management of secrets to reduce manual effort and increase security.

senhasegura DSM seamlessly integrates with popular cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Linux/Windows servers, databases, and various DevOps solutions. It offers a centralized and secure approach to secret management within your DevOps workflows.

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