Internal users group add and update form
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Internal users group add and update form

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Article summary

This article describes the information available on the New internal users group form of Domum Remote Access. This form is identical to the Update internal users group form.


Paths to access:

  • Domum Remote Access > Settings > Internal users > Groups > View actions menu > New
  • Domum Remote Access > Settings > Internal users > Groups > [Group to be edit] > Paper and pencil icon

In these forms, you'll find fields to specify and adjust internal user group settings in Domum Remote Access.


Group name*Used for group identification.
Enabled*Used for determining whether the group is active or not.
Automatically grant access on internal user provisioning*Used for giving automatic access after internal provisioning. It offers the options Default, Yes, and No.

Options for granting automatic access after internal provisioning

DefaultUsed for applying the global parameters established in the initial settings.
YesUsed for sending the first access link automatically, even if the global parameters are disabled.In this option, you must choose the Duration in Minutes, Hours, Days, or Months.
NoUsed for blocking the automatic sending of the first access link, even if the global parameters are enabled.


UsersTab used for adding or removing internal users from the group.
LocationTab used for configuring location restrictions for internal user access.

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